First day done

I have felt so tired this afternoon! I slept much better than I usually do last night which I wasn’t expecting,but was still up a couple times in the night. I have alcohol in the house…I decided not to throw it away as I am choosing to not drink and think if there is none here I might panic and go get some. This has worked for me in the past. I am not looking forward to this evening,I I usually start drinking at around 5pm so am at that horrible stage where my head is shouting at me.But I am determined to kick it. I get nothing from it other than paranoia,anxiety and horrible hangovers. I just need to remember that. I have drunk loads of water today and plan another early night. Well done for your day 2! Can’t wait till we are celebrating week 2! Hope your evening is ok. See you on day 3 x

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Brilliant lets do this thing xx

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Welcome, Lily! Congratulations on day 1. We’re all here to support you :relieved:

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I’m the same but I throw away all alcohol…
I’m feeling like I’m not strong enough…
I started searching pages and looking for an alcohol with delivery…

Me, too. :grin::grin:

I also stopped because of the paranoia and anxiety. Just take it one day at a time.

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Fight through it or you’ll stay on this hamster wheel. It’s definitely not easy, for any of us. Just 1 hour at a time…


How are you doing? I didn’t sleep well at all but today is a new day. Day 3!!

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I’m doing great. Today is my 500th Day 8, but I will take it. Good for you on Day 3! Keep at it! :grinning:


I get drunk, WE stay sober. Keep on, girl. We have been where you are, there are lots of people that love you already!:blue_heart::green_heart::heart::yellow_heart:

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How are you going @Lilly50? Your story sounds exactly like mine and I believe we started our journey on the same day. I just wanted to check in and see how you are going? I felt like this weekend would be the hardest, I started getting worried on Thursday as the weekend was approaching. This is my first sober weekend in a very long time! I’ve kept busy today and took my kids swimming this afternoon, bought them dinner and came home to watch cartoons and chill out. It’s been a great day. I hope you’re traveling well too :purple_heart:

Hi Kitty
Thanks for your message.I am doing great thank you.Like you I have been very nervous about the weekend AF as it will also be my first in a very long time. Weird how our brains crave more just because its a weekend. I was sooo tempted last night but kept busy and went to bed early. I’ve been for a run this morning and have plans to play board games with my son this evening to keep me occupied. Well done on your week so far. Looking forward to getting my first 7 days ticked off xxx

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Its almost like you are literally telling my story! I have just restarted today. I sit here hungover regretting drinking after a month of doing well.
Good luck on your journey. I’ll be following in awe x

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