FIRST DAY! of being sober!

Today is my first day of being sober!! can i get 1 like for support?


You only get today. There’s no do overs and tomorrow never comes.

One day at a time.

I’m day 5. It feels good to be in control. Keep stacking the days!

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I’m on day four - the first day is the hardest. Just remember that it’s only one day at a time, only one drink at a time.

You don’t have to change your life, just change your life today.

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Welcome! Good job on quitting. We’re all here for you :slight_smile:

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Woooo hooooo ! Great job! Wait until day 2! Its even better!

Keep going! Keep fighting the good fight. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn’t here yet. Live for NOW. Congrats my friend.

today it’s the most important Day cause it s the only Day you can save your live.