First Day On This Train!

Today is my first day being sober from nicotine. It’s crazy how my body is literally craving it. I have tried my best to keep busy today and it worked. But, now I am home and it’s getting late… so, I am keeping a toothpick in my mouth to distract my mind. I so badly want to quit for good, for my longterm health and to rid my body of the toxins.

Any suggestions on how to curb these urges? I am on the edge of falling! /:


Thank you. I appreciate your comment and encouragement :sparkling_heart:


Personally i have found the nicotine patches extremely helpful fod cravings, i honestly didnt think they would work, but if i put one on i didnt crave a cig for the entire day. I would suggest giving them a try. Also welcome!

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I’ll have to try that out! I just dont know if I can have them on at my work (I work with kids). But, it’s something I will experiment with. Thank you💕

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I dont really know why you couldnt? You can put them anywhere and their clear so they are pretty hard to see, but you can put them on under your clothing. Noone will even know you have one on. Hope this helps

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@betterdays2come welcome aboard. I was a user of chewing tobacco for about 14 years. Best thing to do is notice and find your triggers and times of day when you did use and fill that time with something positive. Read a book, go for a walk or my favorite cooking meals. It’s a rough one but you can do it. Stick with it and understand it will get easier.

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That’s true. Thanks, DougM. :slight_smile:

It’s almost like everything I do right now I want it… driving, listening to music, drinking coffee… I am just keeping a toothpick in my mouth and cleaning. Reading a book is a good idea, too!!

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Peppermint candies helped me a lot as well. Stick with it and try new things. Lots of great people here with great advice.

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Yes! I was thinking maybe mints or lollipops! Something to have in my mouth and in my hand. Thank you. Yes, I have already talked to some awesome folks :slight_smile:

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I personally tried patches, nicotine gum, chantex but when i actually quit it was cold turkey. Cigarette free for over 15 years, chewing tobacco free for 11 years.

Ate sunflower seeds like crazy… chewed gum… ate food.


It’s definitely about having something at my mouth that I like the most. Im gonna have to find something like sunflower seeds (currently it’s a toothpick). I think cold turkey is what it’s gonna have to be.

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My mouth got raw as shit from those seeds and i got a little fat for a while but it’s much better than putting that poison in the body. Best wishes for your success!


Thank you! :slight_smile: