First day sober alcohal

Hello! Newly on the sober train and so ready! I know it’s gonna be hard. But anyone have any tips n tricks of keeping my mind busy and not on the fact I quit drinking.


Continuing the discussion from Welcome to the forum! 2022:

You should find some useful info in that link. Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll add that sugar will be your friend in the beginning because your body will be missing it. Stay hydrated, exercise, sobriety podcasts, sobriety books that sort of thing.


Congratulations on your day1, and welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

  1. Read lots about recovery and documentarys, also stuff that keeps your mind occupied.
    You can use the search bar on this app, to search for others experiences of what your going through.

  2. Try and eat a good meal and stay hydrated drinking plenty of water.

  3. Keep reaching out here and if you can meetings are another source of great support.

  4. Come here and let us know if your struggling, there are so many supportive people here.

  5. Try and get some good sleep

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Maybe try a meeting there will be like minded sober people there to help you wish you well

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There is loads of information to find, use the search bar above to find them.
Keep yourself busy, hydratated, avoid alcohol related events, friend and places.
Be gentle to yourself!