First time, first topic and first reset

Hello everyone, I’m new here so I don’t really know how to start. I started my journey last Monday and everything was going relatively well. I went out on Friday and told myself a glass or two won’t hurt. Suffice to say I didn’t just have two. I felt awful yesterday like a complete failure.

I keep seeing the use of the term “reset” I’m hoping that I can use it in this situation to pick myself up and try again.

Thanks in advance for listening x


AS chris said early sobriety its best to stay away from anywere were there is booze


Welcome! Be active here it will help

And now you know, it will always hurt


Welcome to the community!

Unfortunately for us, one drink could be the end of it all. This thread has a lot of helpful information that might be of assistance :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the forum! 2022


I am relatively new to this as well. It is day 67 for me completely sober from everything. I know for me I cannot have just a drink or two. I cannot have any at all as well as be around it. I notice people drinking anywhere I go, it mentioned in songs even. I don’t think this will go away for me. I do not go to places where it is obvious to people drinking heavily. That’s how I feel about this journey. I wanted to also say congratulations to you. I know you feel bad right now for having to reset because you slipped up, but recognizing that you messed up is a big step in my opinion. Today is a new day and a new you. You got this!!! Reach out anytime if you need anything or someone to listen or talk! This is a great community here.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
Take a good read around, this is a very supportive community and its great your here with us.
Keep posting it really helps to keep sober to be able to speak with others who understand what your going through and how your feeling know that your not alone :slightly_smiling_face:


They say the first drink is most important for a reason. Every time I feel like I want to have “just one” I remind myself that once I get that one inside, it will be even harder to resist the second. And I don’t want that mental fight.


For now I would recommend staying away from areas where alcohol use is heavy. Can’t heal in the same place you were hurt. Maybe try picking up a hobby to keep your mind off drinking?

Welcome! It’s very early on in my journey as well. I think it’s important to consider your environments and they situations you find yourself on. I myself and guilty of trying to bargain with myself mentally here and there regarding having a drink.

I have to remind myself that it always started with one. That one turned into a few or created a “justification” for having a bit more on a later day. It’s important to consider the hold it has on us. The way I see it, I have lost the privilege of having alcohol or even just one drink. There are people who can handle themselves just fine but if I start again I’ll just end up in a the same place I was.

I’m sending you good vibes!