For my son

Hey I’m new to this group and I’m coming up on 17 days sober from alcohol. It’s not much but it’s a start. I struggle everyday with not drinking again. It just seems like the stress from my everyday life is a lot more to deal with now. I came to the realization that I needed to make a change when I was sitting in a jail cell. I got my second DUI 18 days ago and there trying to hit me with a felony charge for it now. I’m a single father that has full custody over my son and this is stressing me out more than anything. I guess I just need to vent and get that off my mind.


Welcome, and congratulations on 17 days! You’re right, it’s no small feat. It does get easier, over time you realize drinking has made things harder, not easier, you are just learning to cope in different ways besides using. Use your son as motivation and check in here, it has helped me immensely. One day at a time.


Hey, welcome and thanks for the post. I hope you will come back and vent whenever you need to. One of the things that helped me stop during the first few weeks were getting all the alcohol and drugs out of my home. Then I found some healthy replacement activities that I enjoyed more than drinking. It’s different for everyone though. Stay strong, stay focused, and work towards a better life for yourself and your son.

Check out the suggestions in this thread:


After my most recent arrest (second felony DUI) complying with the conditions of pretrial release, specifically providing a BAC every morning for 5 months, helped me to break my physical dependence on alcohol. AA helped me achieve mental and psychological and spiritual sobriety.

Blessings on your house :pray:.


Every day sober is a great day! No matter how many you have. And yes it will be difficult at first because you are trying to break a habit that has taken a long time to form. Start thinking like a non-drinker, don’t think of it as loosing something, you are gaining your life!
Welcome, stick around. Well done.:grinning:


Congratulations on choosing recovery… it’s hard work but the rewards are amazing… you and your son will benefit from the life change … have u got any local meetings to attend they really do help and u will be around soba people who will help u so much good luck on your journey x

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Maybe try and get to a meeting they make it easier and youl meet people there who have been were you are now and jail wont help your custody with your son wish you well


Your son can be a reason but you must do this for yourself. If your son grows to someone you didnt raise him to be. This could bring resentments to drink again later down the road. With the only excuse to relapse again is that u feel like a failure that is out of your control and not your fault. Drinking will only make for drama and problems if u pick up again ever its inevitable for addicts. Just remember it can always be worse.


Congratulations on 17 days and welcome!

It’s a rough go to start but it gets easier with time. Your son should be a good motivator for you and the restrictions that will come with the dui will help provide a good ground to start on. Habit change and mindset will make a huge difference. My kids are a my biggest motivator and my husband is my best way to stay accountable.

I have a DUI also, from years ago. It took me until now, 8 years after my DUI, to take full responsibility for it. I blamed everyone but myself. Kudos to you for realizing that YOU need to make the change. I think you sound like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and you’re heading in the right direction.

If you’re looking for suggestions, I would recommend removing all alcohol from your house, finding a sober community (whether it be online or in person), and soaking up as much info as you can about self help and sobriety (therapy, books, podcasts, audiobooks, etc)


First- congratulations on beginning your journey. The mental clarity you’ll get over the next few weeks will blow you away. Go to meetings- it’s crazy how much we learn from other people’s experiences because we’ve been thru it too! I suggest getting a sponsor- for me that was the game changer. I suddenly had accountability and support. One day at a time!

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Congratulations with your sober days and what aovely little boy you have! He is worth fighting for! If you keep going sober your son never have seen you drinking, how about that! :facepunch:

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