Four Months Today

Today marks my four month sobriety milestone :tada: very excited to have this chip and with each passing day becoming closer and more reliant on God to continue this journey on the red road. I thank God for supporting me getting here and staying true to my pledge.
I’m coming from a place that is full of light and love where back the I was of disparity and darkness.
The meetings and milestones are what keep me going so I can prove myself for my children and for my family honour.
I believe in miracles for quitting drinking and smoking because I never thought I could last a few days without my beer and cigarettes but here I am living on without it!
I quit Facebook and Instagram.
I’m celibate and devoted to my service to God :heart::blush:
Thanks for listening :white_check_mark: I’m jessica and I’m an alcoholic


Nice! Congratulations! :tada: :tada:

Your hard work and determination continues to pay off. I like picking up the chips too. Something about being in a meeting and celebrating milestones with like minded people brings me joy.

Hi Jessica. My name is Lisa and I’m an alcoholic and an addict.


Congratulations! You are doing brilliantly!


Congratulations, Jessica! You are doing many positive things to turn your life around. Very happy for your success!!


Congratulations on 4 months! Keep on walking that path



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Congratulations keep it up :hugs:

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Congratulations Jessica! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Bravo!!! Well done and keep em’ coming.

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Hi Lisa :raising_hand_woman:t4: thanx so much and yes that’s a good feeling getting another chip and keeping with the steps :white_check_mark::pray:t4::blush:

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Thank you :blush: :raising_hand_woman:t4:

Aww yes totally worth the work and muscling thru the cravings learning new habits :pray:t4::blush: thank you :blush:

Thank you :blush: yes will be staying on the path one day at a time :pray:t4::blush:

Thank you :blush:

Thank you :blush::pray:t4: For sure will do :blush:

Thank you so much :blush::tada::pray:t4:

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Thank you very much :raising_hand_woman:t4::blush::tada: definitely will be working on more to come :blush::tada::ice_hockey:

Congratulations :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::fireworks: :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:

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Congratulations! And good job!! It’s really inspiring to read your post! :cherry_blossom::slight_smile:

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Aww thank you :blush::pray:t4::tada: