Frank needs help

Hello everyone,
I have been struggling with alcoholism for quite a while. I’m 23 years old and I can’t seem to have fun without it. Starting today, I’m kicking the habit to the curb but like they say, old habits die hard.
On top of that, I have been in such a dark place mentally and I don’t know if there is a way out. Please give me tips, advice, motivation or any words of encouragement. I need it


Welcome to the community!

This thread has a ton of links to helpful posts and threads for people who are just starting out :point_down:

Welcome to the forum! 2022


Hi Frank, welcome to Talking Sober. You made the first and most important step by coming here and asking for help. Because nobody can do it alone. We need all the help we can get, from our fellow addicts, from professionals maybe, from wherever and from whoever we can get it. Dit you try a meeting (in person or online) from some peer support group like AA or SMART or similar yet? That can be very helpful too. Wishing you all success in your sober journey friend.

PS. One thing I notice in your post is that you speak of having fun with alcohol. From what you describe I don’t see you’re having much fun while drinking…


My first day sober too we got this


Anyone new here looking for advice i usually suggest a meeting might help with their sobriety, so maybe try one they helped me stay sober wish you well


I’m glad you’re here trying to stop. I think there’s probably a connection between your dark place and trying to kick the alcohol now. It’s not easy but stick with it, Frank.
Just today get your head on your pillow sober.:blush::hugs:


Welcome to the sober party @Frank2 i now have 7.5 months for the first time in 20 years thanks to this community and aa. It helps to surround yourself by sober people. I know a hope and joy now that i havent experienced in a longggg time. The first 10 days were the worst for me. Keep coming back and checking in!

Good luck. Take it one day at a time and just say no to that first drink.


Kicking the booze into touch is the easy part. Staying off it is the hard part. Get to know your triggers people, places & things; you have to change everything you do and everything you think, with regards to alcohol. I know that’s a tall order but thats why it’s a daily program and if it needs to be it can be an hourly program until you get the hang of it.
If you don’t succeed and take a drink it’s not the end of the world, it may feel like it, but, trust me on that.
You just have to start over, you need to want sobriety for yourself not for your family, not your friends not anyone but yourself, that’s also why it’s a selfish program as well.
Always put yourself first when it comes to your sobriety, you need to own it.
Go to meetings, get a sponsor and do the steps that’s it, it’s also a simple program.


Are you getting professional help for your mental health?