Friday night stress test

Got through the week drink free…had my first real challenge tonight at my best friends 10 year anniversary party. I thought about having a cocktail (and yes, there was plenty of booze of all sorts), but prepped myself with lots of sparkling water. Everyone was drinking around me, but I kept reminding myself how good it was going to feel waking up tomorrow morning without a headache and the sweats. Passed my first stressed test✊


Great job! I dont know about you, but when I am around people that are drinking, it feels uncomfortable. However I am convinced that one day that will subside. I have been a alcholoic for over 15 years on and off. I remember before I started drinking, it was normal and comfortable not to drink. Just is going to take time to get back there.

I won’t lie, I was definitely a tad crabby but I kept reminding myself this wasn’t a pity party for me, it was a celebration for my best friends on their 10 year wedding anniversary. Definitely uncomfortable tho. Especially when someone asks why you’re not drinking and then give you the “pffftt” response. Sigh.

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