Friday night without wine?

No, I don’t listen to podcasts much. I did find the book helpful at the very beginning of my journey. You can get it from your local library if you are interested, but it sounds like her message isn’t resonating with you and that’s okay. Everyone gets to follow their own path. :heart:

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Thank you soooooooo much!!! I love your outlook! I can do this…you are right! I appreciate you!:heart:


This is your drinking ritual. I strongly recommend you find a new ritual to replace it. Something special that you can look forward to, that doesn’t involve alcohol. Big plus if it’s something physical or mentally stimulating. Mine is martial arts classes, which I attend Mon-Thurs, plus Saturday mornings. Friday nights from 7pm-8pm I join the local HAM radio network where news is passed, new rigs (equipment) is tested. It’s fun.

Doesn’t matter what your thing is…just get a thing.

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Thank you!!! My thing is reading!!! But it goes by the wayside when I drink.


maybe find a sober book club, or better yet, start one here via zoom.

I am an avid reader as well and over the past 10 years have read a lot of sobriety / recovery memoirs and books (I also read a lot of novels). Here is a list of some of the books I read in case you need some ideas…


Thank you so much❤

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That is exactly how I felt early on in sobriety. Friday was my excuse to start drinking at 3pm and continue it through the weekend. I switched it to going to the gym, avoiding any beer and liquor stores on the way home and then having some flavored seltzer waters instead. Breaking that routine is hard but I promise it does get easier. Now after 8 months stopping for alcohol doesn’t really cross my mind for the most part.


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I hope that one day i can get to that point! Thank you so much!

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Sorry to jump in, but I definitely prefer Annie Grace’s books over the podcast, which for whatever reason her style doesn’t jive with me. No judgment, just not my style. The books have a similar casual style that you can hear her voice in the writing but I got a lot out of them, so maybe worth a shot.


First off, welcome and congratulations on your first 48 hours Michele. :+1:
Big test tonight :grimacing: Being a connoisseur of fine red wines and eating out 3-4 nights a week I was terrified about what I was going to do my first night out to dinner without getting a bottle of red. Sparkling water with lemon served in a wine glass. Lots of it!! My first few weeks, hell, maybe a month or 2 I can’t remember. I had that wine glass in my hand with sparking water every time. And I drank lots of it. Lots of good for you sparkling water. It’s as good as still water for you. Wish I had some better magic words or tricks. And I’m sure there’s a lot of people on here helping you out and pulling for ya. Somehow we’re all in this together.
Good luck tonight.
Think how rightfully proud of yourself you’ll be Saturday.


Great stuff Sassy. “Sucked the soul from my life” :black_heart:
My treats were more like rewards. I worked hard. Reward drink. I DESERVED IT.
I made the 8 hour drive to Santa Monica. Reward drink. I DESERVED IT.
Got through a visit with my parents. Reward drink. I DESERVED IT.

I haven’t been tested too much lately for a reward with COVID around and me not going anywhere. But I feel like drinking is no longer a reward for me. Being sober and loosing and maintaining my weight loss and being proud of myself. Now that’s a freaking reward right there.

@Mpags check in this evening. If I see ya around I’ll break out a wine glass and fill it with my Mango LaCroix and have a toast with ya :pray:


And yes, La Croix is the sober persons go to in those early days! I am partial to Lemon or Lime. I will also add a plug for two sugary drinks…cream soda and ginger beer. I don’t eat or drink sugar anymore, but if I did, they would be #1 on my list…yummy!! :heart: Highly recommend sweet drinks in early sobriety. :heart: We need to substitute the sugars from alcohol with other sugars…our bodies need time to ease out of all those carbs we were taking in.


Girl I’m right there with ya… If I can get through tonight I’ll have completed day 5. Thats my record because I always get to the weekend and my addict brain takes over. Everyone else is right that its a ritual and so ingrained its hard to break! I personally made a list an hour or so ago, anticipating my craving, of ten reasons why I don’t want to drink. Trying to lose weight, save money, wasted time, I want to work on learning my second language, I want to prevent a drunken fight with my spouse, and I want to wake up early tomorrow. Just a few of mine and I’m sure you have some of your own! We’re in this together and it helps me to know that so thank you for your post and you can do it!!


Love this. I plan to indulge in tater tots and rootbeer floats. My childhood comfort foods (while my parents got wasted on their vodka tonics). Man, that explains a lot! I’ll be raising a virtual AF toast to all of us. With this group, I know we can do it!


Yes!!! I will definitely check in!!@!! Thanks so much! Im already craving big time!!!

Thank you soooooo much!!! Im having a real hard time right now because i get off at 5 and i want my wine very very badly!!!

Piece of cake. Literally. I found some sugar at this time staves off the cravings. Also, if you don’t do this now, when are you? Try reading about how alcohol poisons every organ in your system. It’s gross. You might as well go down to the gas station and inhale the fumes.


@Figgie has a good idea about reading about what alcohol actually does to and in our bodies. Also go on YouTube and look up sobriety or something along that line; there’s more than enough “proof” that our lives are not meant to be lived inebriated.
Michelle, I know it’s hard; I had a hard time too. I want you to know how good it feels to push through the cravings and come out the other side of it.

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