Friday's are Hard

Friday is the hardest day for me to not drink. I need motivation and support. It starts pulling me with the thoughts of Friday night after work cocktails.

Fridays are hard. I loved opening a nice bottle of wine, however recently I’ve looked forward to it so much, I’d started before picking the kids up at 3:30, and I’d be smashed at 5pm. Terrible and shameful and I’ve had to stop completely.

Hope you’re ok tonight x

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Oh man Friday nights were soooo hard for the first 3 weeks for me. The ultimate trigger, that pent up anxiety that would give me the perfect excuse to start drinking as soon as I was off work. So I just passed 4 weeks sober and Friday night is just another night. FINALLY! For the first 3 Friday nights I totally switched up my routine- as soon as I got off work every Friday I either went srraight to the movies or went out to dinner and pigged out. Either one would occupy my time during my witching hours which were 6-9 on a Friday. If I could get to 9 that anxiety was finally gone and so was my desire to get shit faced. Hang on there and distract yourself!!!


Any new hobbies or activities you can do, maybe something you only do as a reward for another hard fought work week? It won’t be the same at first, but it will be different and your brain will have some good brain chemicals released, you will be able to wire yourself to that new reward/activity


I hear ya, fridays have been my worst trigger. On my way home at 2pm I used to buy booze to get wasted. I usually fell asleep around 7 or 9 pm just to wake up at 3 am heavily sweating with a racing pulse and a starting hangover. I don’t miss it!
Try to keep your hands and mind busy with anything you like. Cleaning my appartment at fridays helped me. And I mean really clean, every damn hidden spot! :wink::kissing_heart:


Try to see it as you freeing yourself from alcohol’s trap, not depriving yourself. The alcohol just causes you misery even though it seems pleasurable at first. My mindset is starting to shift like that but the first 2 weekends were the hardest. Waking up on Saturday morning with no hangover is the BEST feeling ever!!


Find a thing to do!