Fridays are triggers

Good morning guys!! Today is Friday one of my biggest triggers, thankfully im still suffering from one of the most horrible hangovers ive ever had and the last thing i want and cant even think about without wanting to puke is alcohol. i have a xmas party to attend today and i feel pretty good to say i will def stay sober. Im glad i got sick im glad because it helps me to say no. have a beautiful sober Friday :slight_smile:

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Happy sober Friday to you as well.

I hear ya! Fridays were always my day to “reward” myself. I work M-F and even if I drank through the week, I usually did, Fridays are like the day it’s socially acceptable to let loose and party hard. It’s less acceptable, for example, to drink at a restaurant on Tues at 9 in the morning. That was my normal.

Fridays were always the beginning of my hardcore alcohol binging for the entire weeked, until it was Mon and I had to somehow go to work with a mighty hangover hating myself. It’s not worth it!

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haha yup omg trust me sounds just like me :o

The hangover will go away eventually and you will want to drink again. Even when it fades try to vividly remember it the next time someone asks you to do shots. You will probably think twice about it. In fact remember this horrible hangover every time you see alcohol if you really want to heal you need to change the way your perceive it. Remember by quitting you don’t lose anything, rather you were losing everything before from drinking