Full moon, full heart

My heart is a full as the moon since I’ve found this group and of course that made me think of the moon and how it can be likened to sobriety.

The moon waxes and wanes, as do we. It has influence over the tides although the two have never touched or even met. And although we may chose not to let our addiction cross out hands, it can still influence our minds causing us to crash upon the shores of relapse. It’s truly amazing how good we can be doing and all of a sudden something outside ourselves causes our tides to shift and we can be caught in the undertow of our vices once again.

I’m not new to the ebb and flow of sobriety and I’m far from taking a ride on the Pink Cloud, but for once the black cloud of false hope has left me and this time around I know I just may make it. Thank you all for your kindness and support!