Going Crazy

Patrick Carnes is a researcher and clinician specializing in sex addiction recovery:

He has written several course books on the topic, which are used in sex addiction recovery groups:


Sex addiction is a challenging one to face because it is so much a part of most people’s everyday lives. In addiction though, we’ve taken a behaviour and it has become an escape for us; it’s become something we use to distract ourselves and run away from life.

The good news is you can turn it around. The first step is recognizing there’s a problem. After that it’s helpful to look for support. This is a good place to start - we’re all pretty helpful here :innocent: - but there are more specifically dedicated, focused recovery programs that you can look into:

It’s a discovery process where you explore your history and take ownership of your life, take responsibility for yourself and learn to lead your life, and not to let it be chaotic :innocent:

You’re a good person and you deserve a safe, sober life where you can be your full self :innocent: