Going to go pick up my car from the towing place

Crashed my car into a giant snowbank Saturday night… Had to leave it there so I didn’t get a dui… I saw it yesterday at the tow yard… my whole front bumper is ripped off and going to see if it is drive able today… Didn’t drink yesterday and I am back on the sober train… Kind of a bummer it took something like this to get me to quit again… but I am looking forward to being healthy again. I think this app will be am good tool for me

Fight the good fight!

My therapist said an eye opening statement about drinking and driving. It was basically about how a dui doesn’t always mean killing someone, what if you became paralyzed from the neck down? Then what? What would THAT be like? It made me feel like shit at first but now it really is making me think (still feel like a piece of shit though). Best of luck!