Got through a boozy event

I’m 13 days and had to host a surprise party last night for a friend. I’d planned it before I quit drinking and almost used it as an excuse not to quit several times…you know, the whole "if I have an event two weeks from now that I’m going to drink at then I might as well drink every single day up til then and quit later :roll_eyes:"
I’d worried and worried about, bargained with myself about having just one (right), thought of excuses.
Last night I didn’t drink. Here’s what I learned:

No one cared.
Many other people didn’t drink either.
I laughed until I cried several times.
I woke up this morning to a clean house, because I was sober and picked up before bed.
I just ran four miles.
I don’t have a headache and I’m not dizzy.
I haven’t once worried about something I said or did.
I had a great time.
I don’t feel like I missed out on anything.

I didn’t write this to get a pat on the back. I need to reread this the next time I’m worrying about an event and I hope that it helps another newly sober person who might be on the same boat.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!


Get what your saying “No Pat on the back”,but that was “One show of strength.”

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Beautiful, now I want to try it!

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Great job and I am giving you a pat on the back anyway. :wink: I am also a big believer in bookmarking threads to come back to as needed.

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Sounds like a great night…and an even greater morning!! Awesome​:+1::+1::+1:

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That’s a great feeling. Congratulations! Feeling powerful and in control are such strange things to me at this point in my life, but man, they feel great.


Such a great post! That post could have ended with a bunch of excuses. Instead it ended with triumph and benefits of being sober. Love it!


Yesss, well done! So inspiring :grinning:

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Amazing!! Great job, you should be proud!

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Sorry @justMe2 . No pat on the back just a simple ATTA GIRL. Keep this experience in your back for another time.

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That is inspiring to me. I’m 13 days too and I’m fearfull about these social events right now.


Update: people that did drink last night have been sending me the texts that you send the host after you drank at her house - "haha…just woke up, have to go bike for hours to pay for the bottle of wine and junk I had last night"
"Still kind of hazy. Thanks for a fun night, hope it wasn’t a pain to have us there"
I know sending those texts so well…kind of feeling things out, being kind of embarrassed, feeling like crap.
I’m so RELIEVED to not have to deal with that today.


Inspiring post. I needed to hear this. Thank you original poster whoever you are.

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@Quitter you’ve inspired me plenty over the last few weeks. I’m so happy to return the favor.

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A pat on the back is ok. Sometimes we need that support to help us appreciate these milestones. Great work :raised_hands:t3:

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I needed to read this. My boyfriend and I had to plan a year in advance to go to a friend’s Christmas party that we haven’t been able to attend since we started dating (so while I’ll know everyone at the party, I’ll be new to this big Christmas bash). The main purpose obviously is to just have fun, party, and rocking out. But that also means, LOTS of drinking. A few days ago I was super excited but now that I actually made the concious choice to take control and be sober, I’m very anxious. I’m anxious that I’m going to be there, everyone including my boyfriend will be dunk and having a great time, and I’ll be the only sober one and eventually cave in because I don’t want to miss out and feel left out. But you’re post has given me a bit of security to stay strong. I don’t need to drink to have fun, I won’t be missing out, and I’ll be the only one at the party who won’t feel like absolute crap the next day!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Its reading things like this that motivate me the most. So glad to hear your night (and the following morning) was filled with wins.


That’s an awesome post. Great job and thank you for the encouragement!

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Great post! You are an inspiration. Boozy events (love the title) bring out my anxiety. You handled this with such strength, and I love hearing about the next morning. I will bookmark this post for times when I need some support for those events. Thank you for sharing! :relaxed:


Wow if I didn’t know better I would’ve thought I just wrote that LOL you go girl​:grin::+1: you got your head on right where it needs to be , you’ve got this …
keep staying positive :v:️:blush:
don’t even have one … not today🤔
Have you ever seen that sign…
"Free beer tomorrow"
That’s kind of like this new journey…
I’m not gonna drink today no way!!!
Minute by minute hour by hour and another day passes and then it starts to be a good habit​:muscle::grin: keep going!!