Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Ha yes! Ptarmigan is a beautiful lake. It’s in my neighborhood and have been there a handful of times over the years. There are lots more in that area that are more secluded and more beautiful. The Sawatch and the Sangries are my playground. Were you visiting? Or do you live here too?!!

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Visiting. My most close-up look at most of those lakes was from airplanes. In the winter time with snow and that had it’s own beauty. The most memorable was in the summer. The little plane would come up to a mountain and it was like ‘I think I can, I think I can, I think I can get up the power to go over the mountain’ it would literally climb up over the mountain, it was almost horrifying truthfully, it would go over the mountain and when it got on the other side there would be this beautiful lake down below and the plane would drop down because of the air currents or whatever makes planes drop down in these situations.
I skiied a lot when I was young; not a lot of hiking in Colorado.
Picnicked at Maroon Lake a lot a long time ago.
23 years ago or so I was following fourteener dot com (or something similar) website a lot. I had a family member who was going up a lot of the mountains. Just lately I got on a similar site on FB.
Super proud of you for not smoking. Even if it does drive you insane here or there.
You will always be better off for it and Hopefully will never regret that you’re not smoking.
It takes a little while to get used to the fact that you’re not, after you get yourself away from it, space yourself away from it, to begin to realize that it’s really something that you cherish. ( not smoking)

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Thank you for the support. Sometimes I want to smoke so frickin bad but I’m not gonna give in.
Your adventure sounds kick ass. I’ve never been in a plane before (really). I would love to see the mountains from the sky, I would love to see anything from the sky. I’ve never seen the ocean before either. I think the ocean would scare the shit out of me.

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You are getting the best view of those beautiful mountains and lakes on foot!
Your own engine.

( From as high up as the scary little airplane I was in. It had to climb just like you do.)

I have been up on most of the passes but that was in a car.

The ocean is beautiful. To me the waves are mesmerizing.

There are signs where to expect ‘rogue’ waves. You simply stay back and don’t walk to the edge of the shoreline there.

Signs also frequently what riptides are and what to do.

If you get In a rip tide there are specific instructions on what to do.

Most of the time at the ocean this does not happen. And you just enjoy the beauty.

Let the craves wash over you like a nice wave. They will go away and the craves will not harm you.

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Thats too much water for this land creature. It is interesting though. In our rivers we have under currents. They mostly hold rafters underwater and kill them dead. Every year we break a new record for death in the river.
Anyways, I think we kinda got off topic. Hahaha
Smoking Bad!
Clean Air Good!


Whenever I get a little more tired than usual my mind goes to smoking, have this dreams about it and the amazing feeling it will be to have just one.

But I am here and today I am not doing it.



Do you all think it’s normal to feel sad with the lack of nicotine? I’m sure it is but it’s crazy how bad I feel without lozenges


Yes - totally normal along with tired. Hang in there - you were down to 2 mg lozenges so hopefully this will not last long. You are doing great and just remind yourself that you never want to go through this process again. This is the last time nicotine will make you feel like this. :muscle:


Like all drugs nicotine messes with our neurotransmitters and hormones. It takes a bit of time till our bodies takes back control and get back to their natural balance. Hang in there. Better times are ahead. And keep sharing. You’re not alone. Doing great friend.


That explains so much

When I’m at work after lunch I get exosted and sad until I pop those damn lozenges. Then I get my energy and second wind. It’s so bizarre


Thank you friend
I needed to hear that friend

I’m happy your here :blush:


Congrats jaz! @JazzyS

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@JazzyS Congratulations on your 22 months no smoking

I’m on day 46 with lozenges

I have a prescription coming in tomorrow for more 2mg lozenges but I’m just tired of fighting this. Maybe the day just made me tired… I’m not sure really what’s going on but without nicotine I’m just kinda going crazy
I guess if I acknowledge this and accept I’m a addict to nicotine it might become easier. I’m going tonight and tomorrow morning no lozenges. I think I can do it. I have 2 hours left of work with no nicotine. Wish me luck


Thank you friend!

You are doing great so far and i would be a little more gentle with yourself on the lozenges. You are making some great time and sending you luck to get through without using the lozenges. For me - i used 2mg gum 1 pc daily for a very long time - slowly changed it out for mint gum.
Maybe get some life savers or other similar products to help trick the brain. Keep strong my friend. :muscle:


First road trip no vaping! Legs 1 and 2 down!!


:partying_face: :partying_face:
love all the firsts! keep strong my friend and have a fantastic fun filled day!

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To put it bluntly and simply: yes of course you’re an addict to nicotine! Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on this planet. I’m a huge nicotine addict and in fact I’m lucky that nicotine was the first addiction I beat because it’s totally exemplary for all other addictions. All the lessons I learned in fighting nicotine addiction go for all other addictions I fought and fight. I’m always one puff a way from two packs a day and I know it very well. Never letting my guard down. NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) ODAAT. BTW, it has become easy for me now as I truly detest smoking and all other nicotine products. But still I’ll remain wary. Wishing you all success, we’re with you, let’s do this!


Im a grumpy ahole today. I just want to give in and vape. I want the comfort. But i know the disappointment and the sick cycle will get back into full swing. Im just sitting in this uncomfortable feeling


UGH i don’t like the grumpy days. I am glad that you are playing the tape forward and know that the cycle will for sure be sickening again and possibly even harder to quit the next time. You are doing fantastic love - just hope that you are able to confront this uncomfortable feeling and move away from it.