This year I was determined and I ran out of excuses.
It was still really hard. I couldnt get more than a day or two. When I bought a pack as I smoked them, my lungs felt the damage being caused. I started to visualized diseased lungs. It made attempting to quit again much more appealing.
Its so easy to pick up a pack, and end up smoking for another month, year, or longer.
I saw that pattern in me and knew I needed to break it.
Diving has been a big incentive for me to want to quit. Now freediving. I started training myself to hold my breath. This last time I started holding my breath during cravings. It helped me not act on them. It also makes me tired. a few record breaking breath holding attempts helped me sleep better.
It helps me still. It wasnt easy to hold my breath for 20 seconds.
Now, I can do 90 seconds. I notice how much better I feel when hiking, or anything. I can take a deep satisfying breath again. It helps me not want to go backwards.
I had to change my routines and habits to break the cycle too.
Instead of busy hands from smoking, now I have busy hands being productive.
I organize, and clean, or paint, fix things instead of smoking. Thats been really good.
Its similar to quitting drinking in regards staying away from people places and things.
The money saved is a good incentive too.
My biggest bills of the month each cost less then my cigarette bill. Using that money for better things feels good. Huge incentive!