Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

So far so good

0 ciggs and no vape


Thank you sir

I’m sorry I didn’t post my full day sooner… I fell asleep. Ive been fighting off covid…

Stay strong and stay awesome
I saw some epic pics of nature

I’m 1 day 12 hours without a cigg or vape


Thank you

It’s not easy

To be 100% honest I do have a little help with some nic lossenges but they are a low mg. 2mg

Other then that, lots of gum and lots of mints


I got to 2 months no smoking 2 days ago :heart: This is great. I’m nearly at 6 months sober, too. I’m so impressed of myself and proud. I have some concerns. My psychiatrist just decided to take me off anti-psychotics over a week ago. I will run out in a few days and am scared that everything will fall apart. Fingers crossed all will be ok. I also have tests for head and neck cancer of Friday and feel scared about that but maybe everything will be good. Smoking or being drunk/high would not help x
Good luck and strength to all in difficult circumstances x


I love chewing cloves :blush:

Wow good job!

I’m thinking good thoughts for you on your tests!

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Thank you :pray:

Was a year sober decided smoking 60 a day wasnt doing me any good so i decided to stop no internet then or books telling you how to stop i just wanted had the desire and made the effort 35 years now since i stopped


60 smokes a day, Ray? Lordy. Like a locomotive.


Yea none your tipped cigs then senior service a mans cig

I smoked a cigarette today at a funeral. I wanted to drink and get high, too. I came home soon after the smoke. Not a non-smoker yet :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2:
My tests for cancer were negative. Hurrah! Still got to find out what’s wrong but I’m a lot more relaxed about it.
Dr put me on flupentixol so not as bad as I thought. I thought he was gonna cut me dry. Been having violent thoughts and thought I was being followed all day yesterday. Might just be adjusting to different meds but need to keep eye on myself.
Apart from that one lousy fag, which hurt my throat and tasted disgusting, I am ok :star_struck::star_struck:


108 days today nicotine free, 108 days that feel like a lifetime, had to double check!
The road is not easy and the reward thought of just one still there…
One more day without the dirty smoke!

Everyone stay strong!


For me the very hardest day of quitting smoking is the first one. So many times I said to myself that I was done just to find myself outside rummaging through my ashtray looking for a butt. Or I would catch a ride to the store and decide to quit tomorrow instead. Telling myself I have plenty of time to quit so my cough is gone and my energy is back for my cruise. Blatantly lying to myself day after day after day. Never able to get that 24 under my belt.

Merry Christmas, my friends.


Good to see you ! The first 3 days are the hardest! :muscle:

three years ago, I made a strong attempt at quitting. I made it around 30 days and had a cigarette and it took me three more years to get here. Time flies! :hugs:


Sat in my room bawling my eyes out this morning wondering why my daughter had it in for me. Wondering why she was being so prickly with me and only me. Buried in my blankets freezing to death in Florida of all places just miserable to my bones. Started reviewing all these slights I received and realized it wasn’t how I perceived it. Yes, she was prickly but I forgot to give her the leeway of knowing her history of holiday stress. And just like with me, her back is acting up. Here I sit with four days cig free so of course I’m gonna be prickly too. It just took me a bit to remember my toolbox and to dig down deep for the right tool. Ain’t my job to clean up nor judge someone else’s side of the street ESPECIALLY when I’m letting the trash pile up on my side. Crawling back under my blanket cuz of this GAWDAWFULUNNATURAL weather but feeling much better.


Very glad to see you back on the smoke free road Sassy. It’s a rocky bumpy bendy road but we travel it together. Stay warm. Hugs.


Hey everyone, I would like to say thanks for the thread. I’m also going to stop smoking cigarettes again, before the new year. I would like to start exercising frequently through out the week. I just been discouraged about some personal situations in my life. I figured smoking cigarettes again will help ease the stress that I been going through. I just wanted to write what is going on with me. Thanks everyone.


I gave up alcohol a long time ago and have never been one for illicit drugs, however, I’ve been a smoker for going on 45 years.
Nicotine is possibly the hardest drug to kick, but, I decided enough was enough and stopped smoking 6 days ago for the benefit of my health and my pocket.
I’m writing this from my hospital bed on oxygen, I’ve got bloody pneumonia, not just once but twice and I’ve been diagnosed with COPD(which isn’t a police department in some obscure US county), so smoking is a thing of the past for me and I couldn’t smoke a fag now even if I tried.
Just one question why is drinking and being obese socially acceptable but if you smoke you’re a pariah?
Many a time when I’ve had a fag on some has said to me ‘that’s not doing you any good’, if I said the same thing to someone who was obese eating a cream cake I’d be up in court.
Good luck to all of you who’ve given up and to those who are gearing up for 01/01/2023.


Congrats! six days is awesome!

I’ve had pneumonia before. It was awful! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

Just two hours from a week cig free. I’ve been stressing so much. Over Christmas Eve and Day we has record cold here and of course I got sick. Less than two weeks from my cruise and can’t afford to get sick. I’m pumping water and juices like crazy while alternating cold meds with ibuprofen and chomping down Airborne. My fever left the first day and I’m slowly getting better. That in of itself is a testimony to NOT smoking. Generally by now it would be in my lungs and be bronchitis. So very grateful to be part of society where quitters are the winners!