Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

3 days in the bag!

Been out at a day of dance workshops and a party in the evening. Walking around at lunch I did think about buying some cigarettes. But I didn’t. The rest of the afternoon and evening was having too much fun to think about it! Tomorrow might be hard as I will be tired. But I can just sleep so that’s fine :laughing:


It’s happening!

Honestly I have had a couple of very bad days emotions wise, but I haven’t really had any cigarette cravings. So that is kind of good.


That’s not kind of good, that’s fantastic! Way to go Siand!


That’s great news! :clap: Let’s keep adding those days :muscle:t3:

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I made it through week 3 :muscle:t3:but damm this was a hard one… I hope the next days will come easier :persevere::astonished:


Awesome! :muscle:


Lots of cravings for me today as counter edges towards 10 days. Cannot get my head around how it all works and why things chill out for a few days, then bam! I guess this is how we know we are doing the work, the nicotine monster is trying to catch us off guard. But we got through yesterday, so we can get through today too, right? And it will get easier :facepunch:

I did notice walking up the hills was easier today. I didn’t realise it was hard work before, but now it is definitely easier. I also coughed a bit today, which made me realise that I haven’t done that for a few days. No smokers cough! That is a good thing.

I am also thinking about how to spend my smoking money. Not decided yet.


The beginning was super hard. Are you trying anything like the patch or gum to help with the cravings
At the beginning i did a lot of puzzles and knitting to keep my hands busy. I never smoked inside so i would also dress in something i wouldnt want to be seen in to keep me inside :smile:
The cravings dont last forever so just find ways to keep your mind occupied.
Great job on already seeing the positive effects of not smoking!
Keep up the great work.


Hahaha unfortunately I am an unashamed scruff so that particular tactic wouldn’t work for me :crazy_face: it does have its benefits though, being unconcerned about my appearance (for the most part) is something I have actively cultivated. Although the yellow stained fingers were grim and I am glad to be rid of them!

I have a puzzle on the go for the evenings but I have a bit more free time than usual over the Easter hols. I think the lack of routine, which overall I enjoy, is playing its part in the cravings.

I am coming up to 5 years alcohol free in May and I am determined to be smoke free also from then. So keeping it up for now will make that happen!

No patch or gum this time. I feel like now I am 10 days in might as well just grit my teeth and keep pushing through.


Dang - 5 years alcohol free- you rock. Youve definitely got this! Yes- buckle down and keep on trudging.
Do try to get a routine or make plans to not have so much free time on hand around long weekends and holidays- this was key for me. I also had to re train my brain that just because i was out gardening or shoveling snow did not mean that it needed the accompaniment of alcohol and cigs. I would actually treat myself with coffee and a shot (or 2) something with a few smokes after a workout (now i laugh at how ridiculous that was). Hopefully will keep on laughing at my stupidity and never go back.
You are doing great :+1: keep up the amazing work!


Today I am 8 months nicotine free, I love :heart: this freedom.


Congrats on your 8 months :clap::ok_hand::confetti_ball: This great news!


Woohooo nice one!

I can remember the first time I quit smoking, I was also alcohol free by then, a moment of realising that freedom. At a funeral, chatting to someone after the service, who had immediately lit a smoke and then said something like ah not long til can have a wine with a smoke (at the wake). I don’t think I had realised how much time and energy I dedicated, consciously or not, to smoking or planning the next one!


Thanks @ShadowFax hope you are having a free smoke day as well :wink:

@siand thanks! I was also AF before deciding going nicotine less, definitely smoking played a huge part when planning, even when I used to go to the office I would sometimes count the minutes for a meeting to end so that I could sneak out and smoke…oh well…only hoping not going back to those days…


1.5 days in.
Well…34 hours.

I know the first 3 days are the hardest…but aside from the
I’ve eaten, i should smoke,
I’m leaving somewhere or arriving somewhere
Kinda “habit” smoking cravings. I’ve been ok.

I have checked the timer probably a hundred times though. :sweat_smile:
Here’s to quitting for good.

And kudos to all of you for quitting too! :heart::clap:


Yes! Keep the timer going!
You will not regret quitting!


Just thinking out loud but I thought vapes etc were a tool to help ween people of cigarettes but my observations at work are that they are cool for the youngsters with all the different shapes, colours and flavours and are a gateway to real cigarette. Also I see people puffing on these things that have far more nicotine than actual real ones. The only thing that is meant to go into our lungs is air.
That being said I still miss the occasional sneaky smoke. Well done everyone :+1:


Yesterday I smoked one cigarette. :cry:
I was at my sisters place and I wasn’t even considering it, i just lighted the cigarette without having any thoughts about being smoke free for almost 4 weeks. I feel so stupid about it :disappointed: :gun:
It is so hard to stay focused after a few weeks, like my brain is trained to trick me in those kind of situation. What a waste of hard work and off-course I didn’t even like the cigarette.
So back at day 1, today will be hard but I will persist until I succeed.



Every time I started vaping it made my nicotine addiction soooo much worse, cos I was puffing away all day every day! And always went back to smoking.