Guilty Addiction Dreams

I keep occasionally having dreams where I drink, but alcohol or wake up hung over. It takes me a while after waking up to relise that I didn’t drink that evenings but it doesn’t stop me feeling extremely guilty before relising.

I’ve not been sober very long, just under two weeks but previous times I’ve stopped I’ve had these dreams, even months after stopping. I don’t really get cravings to drink but I’m not able to control how much I drink. I was wondering if anyone else had these weird, semilucid dreams where you’ve relapsed.


Well yes, lol. But I try to put it in perspective. Sometimes I dream I won the lotto, I feel horrible when I wake up and its not true :joy: But when I dream I drank, and I wake up and I haven’t, I’m relieved!!! :blush: stay strong in your sobriety knowing your stronger than your subconscious mind, and keep doing the next right thing :sunglasses:


Its perfectly normal to have these dreams especially in early recovery.