Gummies: yes or no?

My son uses THC gummies for anxiety and suggested that I try them for the first week or so after quitting alcohol to help get through the detox. I actually spent $25 on a small bag of 5mg ones, but then thought I’d better research before using. I learned that THC can inhibit the limbic system from repairing itself, because we’re simply replacing one addiction with another. I ended up throwing them away. Besides, I’ve never smoked marijuana or taken THC products, so I was concerned about how they would affect me. I opted for meditation and mindfulness. My mind is still too all over the place for truly beneficial meditation, but practicing mindfulness has been a huge help with anxiety. Ultimately, it’s up to you, and I wish you well. :purple_heart::slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve tried them for anxiety and used indica. I found they made my anxiety way worse and threw me into panic attacks. I tried flower, gummies, vape, edibles. I react negatively to THC I assume and it’s also a depressant and I can tell after 2-3 days my depression gets worse.


Not my thing but each to their own

I’m all aboard on what @Thirdmonkey Said, your trading one addiction for another,

The method you choose for sobriety is a personal choice, the road to recovery is not always easy but the end destination is phenomenal


Thank you all - that’s what I needed to hear. Much appreciated.


Gummies will 100% hit you harder and worse than smoking or vaping, will last MUCH LONGER, and can potentially have some really adverse side effects. Every bad trip I’ve had was an edible. Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad trips.

Gummies are not a “friendlier” alternative to smoking weed. They are much more potent and even dangerous. Don’t let the marketing or the cute colors fool you. If you need to avoid weed, you NEED to avoid weed Gummies.

That said, some people swear by CBD Gummies. They definitely do not have any psychoactive effects. I personally find they don’t really have any other effects either, so it’s a waste of time and money. But some people find them relaxing without being impairing!

A good rule of thumb is, if you can can buy it on the internet (and have it shipped to your house) it has no THC in it and is federally legal because it’s not a psychoactive drug. [edit- IN THE UNITED STATES! no clue about other countries]


My mind too! Whenever I try meditation all I can think about is how I’m not feeling at all like those images of people meditating look :joy:

I’ve found walking meditation is helpful. The physical movement gives me something to attend to, and helps me stay in my body (where I can feel grounded, even if it’s off and on) as opposed to sitting meditation, which is all in my head (and therefore like herding cats).

Is there a problem with me? I don’t think so. I have to believe it’s possible to be mindful and meditative while having a “roomful of cats” brain. Millions of people do, around the world, and it has to be possible for them, so it must be possible for me, right?

I use Insight Timer & I’ve found the meditations helpful:

How do you do your meditation? (If you want to explore it there’s a thread about it here: Motivation and meditation posts and also the tags about it are helpful - there’s a few good threads: Topics tagged meditation)


That’s so interesting! I’m certain I’ve practiced walking meditation many times before. I didn’t know it was a thing. :upside_down_face: Thanks so much for the Insight Timer and info! I’ll definitely be checking it out. :blush::purple_heart:

P.S. I don’t even wanna think about how I look when trying to meditate. I’m sure it’s something like a Pre-K kid during circle time. :crazy_face:


Currently trying to go sober for gummies and flower. Don’t recommend replacing one vice with the other. Best of luck to you.

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Its however you feel about it. I for one know i dont act stupid or do stupid ass things while i have them, like i do with alcohol, I’ll eat one before bed at times i dont do it everyday and it just helps me rest. Occasionally ill have one out golfing or if im out fishing by myself. I didnt feel right about it at first and i also asked about it in a thread. But i know it doesn’t have an affect on me like alcohol does, not even close.

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Bahahaha yes! Me too! The thoughts…

“Am I sitting right? Lean more on the left cheek, ok no, right cheek, ok no - zen on both cheeks. Am I supposed to have a cushion under my butt? I read somewhere that was the traditional thing. Where was that? Oh yes that introduction to Hinduism book. What did it say… yes the actual thing traditionally used is a fragrant grass. I wonder if the fragrance helps with the breathing, like gives you something to focus on. Someone once said to me you breathe in and focus on the cool air coming in and then breathe out and feel the difference in temperature and that helps. That was at that Living with Adult ADHD group I attended two years ago… the guy that sat next to me was a firefighter. I thought he was really cool.

Wait am I meditating yet? My leg’s asleep.”

My mind is like that basically every moment of every day. I’ve made peace with it :joy: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m laughing so hard over here! :joy::joy::joy:
Thanks for the silly grins you gave me. :relaxed:

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Def nope . other ways to cope with Anxiety


I think it’s a personal decision. They have saved me when I’ve had horrible bouts of panic and also with insomnia, though I have had to be very careful because like others have said it can go the opposite way and just fuel more anxiety. But desperate times call for desperate measures and I am not about to take pharmaceuticals to treat my anxiety. Another personal choice. I have found that I do not have the addictive tendencies when it comes to THC products and use them as a last resort. So, I think you’ll have to make the decision that is best for you.

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I am only sober from alcohol because of THC. I had to stop drinking for health reasons, as I have liver and stomach problems from 20+ years of drinking. It’s not a favorite subject here among most, but some here are accepting. Marijuana is much less harmful, at this point for me. Do I want to rid myself of all dependent substances, of course. But right now this is my strategy for staying alive. Best of luck!


Does this count?


That stuff is soooo good lol


My brother traded alcohol for gummies. He struggled with anxiety/depression, but I find when he takes them he is completely disengaged and spends a lot of the day sleeping. I suppose it has helped with anxiety, but it’s changed him. I tried them once and was surprised at how much they affected me and felt like it lasted for days. I actually really didn’t like them and I think it’s trading one addiction for another, but that was just my experience and everyone is different.


Edibles are a complete different high from smoking. Yes, sleeping is definitely a side effect. I use THC, but not edibles. Some strains will have me cleaning the house for hours, others knock me out.


For me, it’s a hard pass. I used alcohol to have fun, then used to relax, then used to sleep, then used to function. Whatever the ailment a drug, like THC, is going to help with, it will most certainly be used to “help” with other “ailments”. Next thing you know, you’re right back where you started. At least, that’s my assessment, from experience.


My first two addictions were tobacco and cannabis. I binged alcohol for decades, until cannabis just gave me anxiety and I smoked less and less and alcohol became my staple substance to abuse. So for me this seems to be the exact same, only other way around. But basically the same. Enough said. Never again.