Gummies: yes or no?

That stuff is soooo good lol


My brother traded alcohol for gummies. He struggled with anxiety/depression, but I find when he takes them he is completely disengaged and spends a lot of the day sleeping. I suppose it has helped with anxiety, but itā€™s changed him. I tried them once and was surprised at how much they affected me and felt like it lasted for days. I actually really didnā€™t like them and I think itā€™s trading one addiction for another, but that was just my experience and everyone is different.


Edibles are a complete different high from smoking. Yes, sleeping is definitely a side effect. I use THC, but not edibles. Some strains will have me cleaning the house for hours, others knock me out.


For me, itā€™s a hard pass. I used alcohol to have fun, then used to relax, then used to sleep, then used to function. Whatever the ailment a drug, like THC, is going to help with, it will most certainly be used to ā€œhelpā€ with other ā€œailmentsā€. Next thing you know, youā€™re right back where you started. At least, thatā€™s my assessment, from experience.


My first two addictions were tobacco and cannabis. I binged alcohol for decades, until cannabis just gave me anxiety and I smoked less and less and alcohol became my staple substance to abuse. So for me this seems to be the exact same, only other way around. But basically the same. Enough said. Never again.


I get best results from short, guided meditations. There are a few apps out there for this.


Thanks Dan. :slightly_smiling_face: Iā€™ve been looking at some of those today. I found the Calm app, and @Matt suggested Insight Timer, so Iā€™m trying that one out, too. I appreciate your kindness. :purple_heart:

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I use Simple Habit, they have some decent free options.

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I havenā€™t heard of that one, but free options are always good. :wink: Thanks a bunch!