Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

I gotta tell someone, people that will understand.

My back injury recurred back in early March like you all know. Since then, everything in my low back/hips/glutes has been super locked up. Horrible stiffness and persistent, varying levels of pain.

Last night I was doing my daily stretching/yoga, and all at once, EVERYTHING - like the entire middle third of my body - let go and opened up.

When I tell you this was the most intense feeling of relief/release that I have EVER had in my LIFE, it’s not hyperbole. I had an immediate and involuntary response of crying and laughing for a solid 10 mins after.

I think I undid stress/tension in there that even predates my spine fusion. I haven’t felt space in my spine and pelvis like this in YEARS.

My fuck, I am so damn grateful today.