Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Does anyone know of an accurate website that has a BMR calculator on it? Ive tried various sites and im getting different results. Im trying to find how many calories i should be eating a day. Thanks!


Been consistent then inconsistent so I am going in 6 days a week for the next 7 weeks till i head to Bali.

I need to stay on top of everything at the moment
Things have been a bit tough and the gym has been a good place to fix my head.

5 split with day 6 letting me work through my feel good day routine or some pb lifting.


I used this one to break my plateau


Not sure if this helps, I use an app called Cronometer. It was recommended by my trainer. I have mine set to lose a pound a week and seems to be working (as long as I hit my targets). Great for tracking macro nutrients and having an idea of calorie allowance. The free version lets to scan barcodes, which the others donā€™t do.

Heres my progress for today.


@Cjp @HoofHearted
Thank u both for the response! Ill definitly be checking out both of them :slight_smile:


Leg day getting after it


You donā€™t need an BMI and thereā€™s no way you can estimate body fat correctly outside a doctorā€™s office.

You can use this excellent calculator to get your macros.

All you need is your weight, movement/lifestyle habits and training schedule.


Feels good to be back in the swing of things after missing most of March/April due to my back.

It still isnā€™t feeling 100% at all, but Iā€™ll get there. Last week off was helpful.

Speaking of - time for back day.


I use this too and itā€™s awesome. I do have a tendency to obsess about my entries a bit haha


Home gym, 30min, leg day workout. Wasnt too bad but enjoyed tempo


Thank you for the website!! I just checked it out. For the cutting phase i am looking at 1980 for daily calories. 1880 cal is what i would need if i was in a coma. I eat around that much now (sometimes even lower) which could explain why i feel dizzy and fatigued and light headed. So im going to increase my calories.
Protein should be 250gr - not sure how to get that. Im at about 150gr a day now and thats with 2 protein shakes a day. But the fat and carbs i am already doing. So thats great!


Yes it is an excellent calculator Iā€™ve used it loads.

Your protein will be ~1-1.5g/lbs bw.
If youā€™re looking to build muscle as you lose weight, donā€™t set your fat to high and carb to low. Use indifferent or higher carb. Youā€™ll still be in a deficit.

Protein sources, make em filling. Protein bars only in need. Chicken, broccoli, wholegrain pasta and breads, oats, all excellent sources and they will provide satiety. Donā€™t forgot protein from these non-meat sources, they add up to a lot if you eat real foods.

Try and not go under the calories. Itā€™ll drain you and youā€™ll fall off your diet/exercise routine. Most important thing is maintainability. You need to have enough energy for your daily life plus training.

I know you often stay up overnight. So do I. Cycle your calories on those days, make sure you get enough nutrition cos you burn more when youā€™re awake than when you sleep. When you catch up on sleep another day, you eat a bit less.

Good luck, glad you found the link helpful!


It said I need 1500 calories if Iā€™m in a coma but then because I put I work in an office I need 1500 to cut weight. :thinking: It does have my protein higher and carbs and fat lower than my fitness pal.


Itā€™s funny AF all you guys are quoting the coma thing lol itā€™s called TDEE. Total daily energy expenditure.

Anyway yeah, since you burn calories sitting in an office and using your beautiful brain, youā€™ll lose weight if you consume your BMR.

I think you might not have factored in your workouts yet tho? The running and stuff, that should put your numbers up a bit (or you really short and I am way off, but I donā€™t think so haha)

Yeah fuck mfp. This thing is made by weigthlifters and has a whole science behind it, look it up itā€™s there in the menu, how they came up w the calculations. In the past you had to do it all on your own, they didnā€™t have the calculator. Itā€™s great. :nerd_face:

Also now that I think about it, for you guys who do a lot a lot of cardio, you should put your activity level one up. Cos activity is basically cardio.


Gotcha, Iā€™ll redo it and choose the next level up and see what I get. I choose the second option cause it had the part about an office job. I just thought the coma part was funny :laughing: And Iā€™m pretty short- 5ā€™3 I canā€™t reach the top shelves in stores :sob: I gotta climb to get things sometimes


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Legs - upped my leg press to 180lb (45lb plates x4). Pretty excited about that!
20 min cycling


Me too! When I first started using it, I erroneously had it set to GAIN a pound per week. I was perplexed on how I could be eating so much and still losing weight, then I realized what I didā€¦ oops. Took me 2 weeks to correct and start losing weight.

One critical thing that I didnā€™t realize at first was to enter your weightloss on a regular basis so the targets recalibrate. But now, piece of cake!

I got my teen son using it, heā€™s a big boy and has been losing weight since he started. We keep each other honest and motivated to keep logging. :smiley:


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
1 hour of cardioā€¦
20 min elliptical
20 min cycling on fat burning setting
20 min of incline treadmill walking

Weekends are rest days as i work. Looking forward to some recovery time :heart:


Started a PPL workout yesterday, to get back into a routine. Pull last night, push today. Still trying to work around this lower back thing, but Iā€™ll get through leg day tomorrow and go from there.

The gym is coming together, and @Faugxh I got the bigger tank set up and have three baby fish in there to start so I have workout companions :rofl:. A tiger Oscar, a bala shark and a pleco all which will get pretty big. Any name suggestions guys. :grin:


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
1 hour of cardio
Thats literally all i could do since i didnt sleep last night due to not having a nurse for my son. Glad i did something tho!