Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)


Thinking to myself “Why does it have to be so heavy?”…


Do I spy another one of your lifting/metal crossover tees? This one, Master of Reality? Amazing. Top 3 best metal albums ever.

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Yep! Company is Death Comes Lifting. This is their “Master Of Iron” shirt.

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. So on top of trying to stay sober, within my last 5 months I’ve atleast been able to keep a steady work out…my lil girl loves working out with me. down a total of 30 pounds


Pick some heavy shit up, put it back down and be sore as fuk the next day. Build that armor brother

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Dude that sux, time for lots of leg work

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Killin it brah, nice job


Stronger every day!


Yeah, I can do legs for days… time to grow some big old tree trunks.

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Not a gym selfie, just stoked. Headed to the Arnold Classic in March, and I’m stoked to be meeting The Beast, Eddie Hall!


Hey curious, do any of you guys use test booster. I’m only 17 days sober so I’m wondering if my anger is from that, or maybe the test booster.

Keep killin it!

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I’ve never used any test boosters. The best I could suggest is you could maybe cycle off it, and monitor any changes from that. If it doesn’t seem to be the culprit, cycle on and monitor that. I guess if there’s any other supplements you’re taking, you could see if there are any side effects from the mix???

Yeah that’s deff gonna be the plan, but figured I’d just see if anyone maybe had any experience with them. Thank you

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just because I’m at work, don’t mean I can’t keep getting those gains. Taking advantage of the bathroom chin up station​:joy:. I make sure I do push ups all day long to, and after work gonna hit some weights :muscle: happy Friday all


New here. Been digging through the boards for the past few days and finally found a thread I’m comfortable making my first post in lol. Sobriety is going to be a struggle, but gym selfies I can do. :muscle::grin:


Worked on heavy singles today. Worked up to 250, which is 10 shy of my 1RM. Hoping to hit 300 by midsummer.


Ass to grass or it doesn’t count.


I do this at street lights! Lol!!!

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