Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

That’s such great news!! I hope it stays this way :tada::tada::tada:


Congratulations. I can imagine. :pray:t2:

Like @Jasty2 I wanna know what stretch tho :eyes:


@Jasty2 @Faugxh

Child’s Pose! Specifically, the wide-knee version.
Not a new one for me, but first time I had done it in a bit because through this period of injury, it had actually caused at least one setback earlier on (my own fault pushing through a spasm when I shouldn’t have).
Instead of slightly rounding my low back like typically done in childs pose I kept it arched downward towards the floor and pushed myself back into it with my arms so it was purely a hip stretch. Chest touching the floor. Then clawed my arms out as long as I could, pulling out my lats bit-by-bit. Fourth or fifth deep breath, whammo. Everything melted off.

I don’t know. I just managed to push a button I’ve never been able to get to. It felt like I had been kissed by god. I had to lie down and collect myself for a few moments while giggling like a maniac. I feel so much lighter this morning, physically and mentally. There was not just months, but YEARS of tension in that one.


I remember this pose with the wide knees, I think it’s called Frog pose, it is a great hip stretch. And then you manipulated your back to a point where it released for you, which is awesome. I’ll have to try and incorporate more yoga. After hip surgery the right one has less flexibility, so I should be doing more of that anyway :+1:


So this is what the homemade squat rack turned into. I’ll sand it down and stain it. I’ll post a pic of the aquarium at some point after it’s up and running.


Wow, you’re like insanely handy. :eyes:
Will the fish be in the dark when they misbehave? Or when you sick of looking at they non-lifting asses haha.

Jk it looks super nice!


Thanks I’m by no means a carpenter, but my work is usually at least sturdy. :grin:


I just went for an 8 mile walk.

Even at my best since this back issue started, I could do this, but my back/hips would be worn out and rock-stiff by the end.

Just got in, and not the slightest hint of ANYTHING. I feel like I didn’t even walk. Loose as a goose.

I don’t want to jinx myself but this is, without exaggeration, the best I have felt in 6+ years since this all started. Even after the surgery, I still lived with a TON of stiffness.

Today I am experiencing a level of freedom and safety in my body and in my mind that I didn’t think I would ever have again. I thought injury, mental health struggle, and father time had taken both for good. Past two days I’ve been wiggling my hips around unimpeded, absolutely tickled about it. I have new sensation and strength/control in my left leg that I hadn’t even realized I’d lost.

It’s difficult to put into words, the weight I had been carrying all that time, half a dozen years, that is now just seemingly - gone. Fuckin miraculous is what it is.


Do any of you guys know of any good fitness related podcasts?


Mindpump is pretty decent… at least the early years, sometimes they get a little carried away on current events.


The Huberman Lab has some pretty good episodes on fitness although that isn’t the main focus of his podcasts in general.


I agree with the early episodes of mind pump

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I think @Twizzlers seems to be the carpenter in this family :grin:


I listen to Thick thighs save lives. It’s more geared towards women but they have really good information and guests. They talk about a range of topics

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I really like the RP podcast tho more for the entertainment value the guys are just so likeable. It’s for bodybuilding so most of it is not directly applicable for me but I’ve learnt a few valuable things from them for sure.

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Is it the one with Nick Shaw?

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Yeah. Tho it’s Mike that drew me in.


Okay thanks I found it, just wanted to make sure it was the right one. Always looking for new ones to try on the drive to work :v:

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I bet that was fucking amazing!

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Last night I lost a good friend may he R.I.L
Today i went to the gym to ego lift, then i pulled myself together.

Hit a few warm ups 50kg, 70kg, 80kg looking for 100kg/220lbs dead lift and smashed it! Definitely
Can get a little more on the bar for 1rm