Had a dream I relapsed

I had a dream I relapsed last night. I’m 7 months sober and haven’t had a dream about drinking that I can remember since I quit. Maybe a dream where there was alcohol present and I thought " Oh…booze…should I?..no, I wont" and that was it. But this was me at a bar where my dream friend worked and I abstained for most of the night with no problem then woke up hungover and saw my bar tab that my dream friend’s dream boss apparently had to pay for because I was too drunk to pay it. I had also been cut off and there were all these weird messages on my bar tab like “You can’t have anymore” “You need to stop”. It was all weird, but it’s a dream so stuff was kinda mish mashed together that didn’t exactly make sense. I’m sort of troubled by this dream, and I don’t really know the exact reason why. Maybe because it made me realize it’s kind of strange that I haven’t had a relapse dream until now. Or that my reaction to the fact that I got shit faced was mixed (my dream reaction). I was pissed with myself, then less pissed at myself and just thought “I’ll just start over”. Then I think I had a moment of devastation and what I had done all hit me at once. Then it was just back to…almost no big deal. I’ll just start over–a little disappointed in myself, but I’m ok. I’m embarassed, but I’ll start over…
Just needed to type this all out and put it out there I guess. The good news is I’m still sober in non-dream land, so that’s what counts.
Thanks for reading : )


I have had numerous relapse dreams. You’re right when you say all that counts is you’re still sober in the real world. You get to feel the shame without actually ruining your sobriety. Try to use it as motivation.

Way to go on 7 months!:+1::+1::fireworks::tada::sparkler:


dreaming you are back in high school is a very common stress dream

Had one the other night, woke in my dream from a blackout in a loft space above my apartment and felt sheer panic, then my mind realised, my apartment is in the loft so I don’t have a loft above me this is a dream. Took a while and felt a bit of that horrible sleep paralysis where I was semi conscious but couldn’t really move but I was able to waken myself. Hate them.

That is so scary. I had it a couple of times and it seemed so real in the morning! I know now that I was stressed and tired at the time. But the second you are in doubt… oh hell what did I do, nooooo :grinning:

One of the first dreams I had recalled and remembered during my first 3 weeks of sobriety involved a bag of opiates. In the dream, my mom had a bag of pills. I put them away for her in good conscience. Then, during my dream I fought with the fact I knew where they were and could get them. I was tempted to go get them, and wanted the euphoria they would produce in my dream. I fought it until I said no over and over again. I woke up ashamed and mad. It was what seemed like a long fight through out any place my,dream took me.
I woke up mad that I even thought about it. But, I believe dreams are a way of subconciously dealing with things that we suppress. I have a fear of using or drinking again and that fear keeps me sober. Even though fear was part of what led me to my addiction.
Stay strong :muscle:, I hope I can too. One day at a time.

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I had one a few weeks ago. In the dream I was back hiding alcohol and chugging straight vodka from a water bottle. In the dream I felt so devastated to be back drinking. As I began to wake up I was waiting for the hangover to hit but then realised that it was just a dream and that I hadn’t relapsed! I was so relieved and happy!!

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I’ve had more of them sporadically and recently. It seems like now though, the fight is less and less. I’m presented with situations and can easily say no or realize why not to do it, oppossed to justifying and rationalizing why I should.

I’ve had relapse dreams off and on during the last six months, and in every one I was super pissed! None of them implied that I was subconsciously missing alcohol. The human brain is the most complicated machine and system on the planet. I still dream about dipping tobacco even though I quit in 2005. My best friend who died in 2009 I almost never dream of, yet I still dream of ex lovers from 2001-2004 even though I’ve been with my wife 12 years now. Dreams are definitely fascinating, and I personally love dreaming, just wish I could control the content. I don’t know if this is true for others, but I think I’ve dreamed every night since getting sober, and that’ll be 6 months on Saturday.


I had a very similar dream last night and honestly I get them often, they are disturbing because int he dream your reactions are always so weird. And I always find myself half way through a drink and then realizing shit I’m drinking alcohol!

I had a dream last night that I relapsed. It was awful. I dreamt that I went to my AA meeting and had to pick up a white chip instead of the 6 months that I’m supposed to get. I was crying so bad. Right then and there I decided in my dream that this is not what I wanted so I changed it. Relapse didn’t happen and I celebrated 6 months instead. That’s the beauty of dreams. We can control them.
