Had to reset my calendar on Monday

After finishing a full week I drank again Saturday and Sunday. Not giving up though. Tonight at 10pm will complete 3 full days since I finished the last beer .


Just a minor hiccup, stay strong and take it one day at a time.

Are you getting any support such as an AA meeting?

Also, was there a trigger or something that sent you into drinking?

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Dont beat your self to hard @SoberBandit hold on to your inner will, you are the most important in your life. Do what you can to stay positive.

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Just the weekend in general. It’s been the downfall of many sober streaks. I haven’t attended any AA meetings but I have started using this app and i plan on more online stuff like the AA online.

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I will, thank you Cobaltchris

I had to reset too. At 1am I will have 2 days…it’s hard and it takes time. But as long as you reset and work harder the next time then you are on the right track. Stay strong!! I have a problem with alcohol too and I know how hard it is to rewire the brain to not want it. You can do it though!!


Thank you Krystalbetts. Good luck to you as well. This disease sucks but if we don’t give up we can beat it !!!


As Long as there is willingness there is hope. Stay positive and positive things will happen. You are in the power of chosing . Anytime @SoberBandit.