Halloween , my first sober Halloween in ten years

This is my first Halloween sober in ten years ! Ive been drinking since 15 and using anything . I’m so shocked that I actually stayed sober yesterday . All I had to do was lock my self into the house and watch movies all night haha but I’m so glad I did. First Saturday in 10 years waking up without a hang over . Wow


Good job!Thats a big deal.I love halloween and all the events.
Halloween is tomorrow for me, thankfully it’s a Monday but I plan on watching scary movies all night too!
Even though I went to some halloween partys I stayed sober. I had fear of missing out by not drinking but it wasn’t as bad as I thought, still had fun and knew we were all getting home safely because I was driving .


@Alexandra_Alexandra great job my too I get to go to my grandson’s school today I’m so happy I stayed clean to show them I can come there clean. So I don’t embrass them.


Thank you
Let’s be proud that we Are stronger than we were yesterday


good for you girl
Proud of you :heart:

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@Alexandra_Alexandra thanks for the support it was great going and seeing his face and him saying that’s my Gma she is the one that made our suckers. It was the best feeling ever but I still got anxiety and still wanted my fix after it. WHY!!! I DON’T UNDERSTAND MY MIND… Sorry having a bad day today venting on here.