It’s day 3 for me with out any pain pills. It’s very very hard. I have to go to work in a little bit and I must be friendly and polite there, I feel like it will be hard because I have a short fuse. I have hot and cold sweats like crazy which has been the worst part so far. My goosebumps do not seems to go away. Does anyone have any advice ?
Thankyou! I really needed to hear that. I am trying so hard to not just go out and get any so my pain will go away. I know soon as I don’t have them I will have to start all over and I deffinetly do not want to do that. I really hope this withdrawal doesn’t last too much longer. I am just looking really forward to being able to wake up feeling normal again
First off good job on 3 days!
Never addicted to pills but i do know withdrawls.
Best advice i can give you is to stick it out…it sucks and it’s going to mess with your head, your attitude, and your will power.
Focus on the strength it took Just to make it to 3 days, believe it or not, finding strength in the strength it took just to do that can be empowering!
It might be hard not snapping on people but try your best to smile and have confidence that maybe people won’t understand what your going through but you do and you know better then anyone just how strong you are being and have become.
Fight on and stay strong…stay sober!!!
Thankyou for your kind words! This forum is really really helping me get through the day. You are absolutely right! I will try my very best today to put on a smile and make it through the day. Tomorrow is day 4!
@Sally hang in there!! You’re doing great and have already come so far!! Focus on the goal you have set for yourself
Hey girl hang in there. I use to have mental breakdowns at work if I couldn’t get hydro before hand and come up with some lousey excuse to leave early or call out…this resulted in me losing many jobs. I can say that when I did call out or leave early I regretted it so so so much. The best advice I can give you is get up, shower, get pretty, dress the part, look in the mirror and tell yourself you can do this. YOU CAN DO THIS WITHOUT DRUGS your stronger then you think girl and every day you make it without a pill you are covering SO much ground!! Your healing. Stay strong!!
I have done the same thing at work !! If I couldn’t get it before I would make an excuse to leave when they were available. I hate that feeling. I have done that twice now. I really don’t feel like going in tonight I am so sweaty and constantly hot and cold. I will do my best though! Thanks so much for your support