Health professionals attitudes to alcohol

Just an observation about people’s opinions of alcohol, specifically health professionals- yesterday I went to a psychologist (my son’s) and a GP. I spoke to both about my stopping drinking. The psychologist sort of said, well, you can’t really say you’ll never drink again, it’s too hard, alcohol is everywhere, maybe just start with a week. The GP started telling me his own drinking stories! About how he never gets drunk, the alcohol just gets through his system.
The difference between the reaction you get as a drug user and an alcohol user is ridiculous, if it was an illegal drug I was talking about there is no way I would have received that reaction. Just thought I would share and see if anyone else has had the same experience


Yes I’ve had my doctor tell me I was too hasty in quitting alcohol entirely; I should try moderation…
Same guy kicked me out of the clinic for testing positive for pot?!


That’s insane, isn’t it!!

It’s really scary, how many doctors like that are out there. Seems to be the norm.

I went to my gp and told them I wanted to stop drinking they told me cut down. I was drinking up to a litre of vodka a day, not long after that I turned completely yellow with jaundice they told me to cut down still… 48hours later I was admitted to hospital acutely unwell with liver failure… because a friend dialed 999…scary. I agree with the psychologists view on not telling yourself you will never drink again as that is what they say in AA. AA take it as 1 day at a time. I was fortunate enough to go to rehab and I go to aa, iv been sober for over a year now… if I’d stuck with the gp’s advice I’d be dead.

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Yes I guess thats right about one day at a time, but she really was saying that alcohol is just a part of life you have to deal with it, ie you’ll have to drink at some point! Anyway, I was there to talk about my son’s adhd she’s not an addiction specialist but still.

I guess it shows that even health professionals have been brainwashed. How can any amount of poison be any good for you? After all half a glass of pure alcohol will kill you.

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I personally don’t think that all alcohol is bad, or its not bad for everyone. If I could enjoy a glass here and there I would, same with cigarettes. Lots of things are bad for us, like driving around in cars and eating sugar, but life’s not all about doing the healthiest thing. But if a patient tells you that they feel compelled to stop because it’s become an issue, don’t argue with them!

And don’t tell them “you need to RELAX beer every now and then would not kill you”:confused:

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It’s known that a lot of Doctors suffer from substance use disorder, so I’m not surprised really!

Doctor’s and others should be school ingen in the 12 step program . IT should be one part of their education !! Its pisses me off ! :joy::joy: ask them if they know about the big book. Bill and Bob