Hello everyone I’m new , and on day 2 anyone else?

Hi there, I’m just into my third day, so pretty much on the same page as you. I’ve tried before without success, but truthfully, I’m definitely finding that the forum helps. There probably are AA meetings in my country too, but I wouldn’t be able to tolerate the whole religion thing. So it’s just me…and the forum !
Keep it up every day is an achievement !

A shit load of years for me. I really enjoy reading all of your posts you guys. Lots of love. :ireland:

Everyone ok ? I think we probably started in the same week ? I’m Day 28 now , had a wobble the other day , I wasn’t going to drink but got all “why me ?”! Feeling very sorry for myself , but my husband reminded me I was due on soon :joy::joy: (sorry fellas )

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On day 2 myself

almost 3 days for me so yeah still day 2 …whoop whoop …its the weekend im not looking forward too

Weekends are the hardest for me too. I am on day 3 after a few stops and starts, had 28 days in Oct and felt great. But weekends are a huge trigger. Stay busy, that is key. Plan some fun activities that you’ve wanted to do but couldn’t when drinking or hungover. I like hiking with my dog, running, any outdoor stuff. Just keep busy it really helps. And get something yummy to drink, it made me feel better having something besides plain water to drink.

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