Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I have helped some other family’s navigate the new facility systems, I can barely figure some of them out myself.
There were DEFINITELY repercussions for my brother when I was contacting DOC. It sucked and I felt horrible, but I think (hope) he is in a place where he can do his time safely and I can advocate on his behalf without a shit ton of consequences for him or pushback. I am not shy about texting the Out of State coordinator and he seems reasonable and communicative. Fingers crossed.
I appreciate your reply a lot. It has been so hard on myself and my family. You are so strong, the both of you, for forging thru. I am glad you have good support.
I caught up on my messages with them just recently. They are in a cold spot (emotionally) and it has been hard for them at times. However they are getting some reading done and taking chances to learn - they took a legal course in the spring - so there is growth too.
They are well, actually! I have been in sporadic contact with them over the last year and a bit, most recent message was Dec 22, and they have graduated from treatment, moved into a new unit of the facility with a family section, so there’s parents and such, which they like: it makes for a pleasant environment.
They are also preparing for a work release starting in a few weeks and they have completed a beekeeping course, which they are pretty pumped about. Altogether they have been making the most of their time and they are in good spirits.