Hello im new here

I am an alcoholic. I’m 44 years old and live in Florida. I have been sober six weeks thanks to AA


@Chuck1312 welcome :blush: this is a great forum. People are kind and supportive - good luck and congrats on 44 days :grinning:


Welcome ! Glad to have you aboard !

@Chuck1312 Welcome, good to have you here! There’s plenty of encouragement & support here! Blessings, stay strong! :smile::pray::muscle::blue_heart::clap::ok_hand::v:

Welcome to the forum and welcome to the fellowship. AA saved my life and the life lessons I learn daily, continue to save me! Stay strong, stay sober😆


Welcome to the forum! 6 weeks is amazing work! Welcome to aa too like others on here it has saved my life too one day at a time :smile: