Hello. My name is Sam. I will be 5 Months Clean and Sober from a 17 year Meth Addiction on October 18, 2021

Congrats on the 5 months! Rock on! :musical_note:

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As her brother honestly let her know you live her and be completely open and honest with her your feelings and what your fear are of maybe loosing her to this demon of a monster that Meth truly really is. It’s the devil I battled with it myself 17tears of addiction and probably the rest of my life fighting to stay clean and Sober from its evil grins and I learned while I was I rehab that meth is a more metal addiction it’s a brain disease pretty much. And honestly unless she admits she has a problem and needs and wants help Unfortunately you can’t make someone know matter how much you them get help if they aren’t ready to get the help they want and need for themselves… I’m sorry you are going through this with a loved one. I raised one child if 17 years in addiction she will be 18 in March and I also have a 3 year old I didn’t want to also raise in addiction like I did my oldest. You and your family are in my prayers…




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Thanks sweetie

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I do believe the devil has a hand in addiction… He seeks for all men to be miserable like unto himself. What better way than to take away their self control, their agency, their self worth, and their health through addiction? My own addiction/habits took 18 years of my life. While different in nature, I know that darkness. It’s a pain and sadness unlike anything we can experience.

But I do believe we can be made free. God is mighty to save. He can break the chains of addiction, he can free us from that cage, but we’ve got to be willing to reach out to him. We have to surrender to him. If we don’t want it, he can’t help us.