Hello. New here. First day sober

Its my first day sober. Again. Today was really rough for me. Realizing what my addiction has cost me. And how much it affects the people I love


Stay strong. You’ve lived without it before. You can do it again! Prove to yourself and those around you what it means to drop the addiction!


Thank you so much for your words of wisdom🙏

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I know the pain and the struggle. One day at a time is all it takes. Just keep yourself to it and everything will be ok. Change is necessary for you to blossom. I hope you find sanctuary!


This is my Day 3 Bro. Keep Coming back we need you.
Don’t miss the meetings.


Welcome! I’m so glad you found this place, it is my main support tool for my sobriety and it really works! Come here often, check in daily on the check in thread and check out the gratitude thread also, they help. My advice is…. Write down how bad you feel right now, the anxiety and depression. Write down all of the things that you have done whilst under the influence of your DOC. All of the risks all of the lies and sneaking about. Write it all down in a letter to yourself. When the voice starts in your head and the cravings start you can read it, it works!!! I wrote to myself in the beginning of my journey and I have only had to read it twice….it stops the destructive thoughts and cravings in their tracks. I wish you all the best on your journey, be gentle with yourself, it is hard but totally worth it :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thank you so much for the tips! I will do that! Bless🙏

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God bless. Thank you :blue_heart::pray::blue_heart:

Thanks! You too!

Hi! I’m day 2, so new to this too. I don’t have words of wisdom to share. But wanted to say hi :wave:t2:


@Jojo @golubkw @Carrie1

Welcome! Realising what alcohol really is and how it affects your life is the first important step. What are you going to do to stay sober longterm? Most people need to make regular effort to keep urges at bay. You can find some ideas here

Welcome to the forum! 2022


Maybe try a meeting might help wish you well

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Welcome Jojo :purple_heart:

I just started here today too. My doctor told me that my liver was in bad shape and I have to quit drinking. I am scared about my health, but I am even more afraid that I won’t be able to quit. I started at 12 and now I am 55, but I have an amazing autistic daughter who needs me, so I have to do this!


Welcome to TS, Valerie!

Welcome. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. It’s hard to have reality sucker punch you in the gut. Once we make those mistakes, they are made. All we can do now is take the lessons that has for us and learn from them, so we can be more than what we were before; and, hopefully in the process, we are able to tend to the wounds we caused so that hopefully they can heal with the least amount of scarring possible.

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Love yourself. You can build a life where you truly don’t want alcohol. You can do this.

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I love that you said you’ve lived without before,


Keep coming back bro. You are very lucky you spent whole day without using. Here I am still using. Can not even spend one day without using. gOD please help me :pray:

God is with you Don’t quit keep going spend 5 minutes at a time and you will find when 5 hours gone without using. God works with you when you decide not to use