Here is what im going to do this time

I beleive that after we relapse we learn something about ourselves, something about our recovery. We learn what we need to work on, and what we need to change. I relapsed a few days ago after having two weeks clean. I was going through withdrawl. So this time i looked up on youtube and google an addiction recovery plan, and a relapse prevention plan and i made a plan of my own. So in the near future i can look back on what i wrote to help me as i struggle. Please do the same itll give us more clean time and it will help us through our recovery. Let me know if this is a good idea and if you will try it.


Pick yourself back up and don’t fall down the same way twice. I don’t plan to ever relapse again, it’s not an option.

Whatever your plan is work damn hard on it. Stick to the plan. You can do this, you deserve a clean, happy life. Best wishes.


Having a plan is a game changer. Great thinking, and great effort @2besocialyfree :+1:t2:

This thread might be useful What's YOUR plan?

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I believe that too. I had a few relapses and I learned something of each. But my fear of another relapse and doing it all over again keeps me sober these days. I do not need another to learn me something. I appreciate my sober years to much I guess. I made a sober plan as well in my early days, it helped me a lot.
Here on the forum you can read a good one too:

Keep going, you are doing great! :facepunch:

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Look up an addiction recovery plan, and a relapse prevention plan, and write your own. Google or youtube


Great suggestion!! I will be doing this!

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Part of my plan was and is this site, i am here day in day out to give and recieve help from my awesome friends here, we all need each other…i tell myself that relapse isnt an option… that part of recovery is allowing myself to be helped so come here and talk it out if your struggling BEFORE you pick up or use and we can talk you through it, thats what i do, im 513 days so far


This is a super smart move. Just wanted to say that these can be viewed as living documents. What I’ve learned about these kinds of plans is that as we grow and change and learn about ourselves in recovery the plans can be adapted and change, get added to, etc. I encourage you to revisit your plans periodically and make notes of what is working and what you might add over time.

Good for you for being proactive in your recovery and learning from your setback. That’s great!


Hope it works for you ,for me i havnt relapsed yet and i dont have to to learn about myself the longer im sober the more i learn , but i wish you well