Here we go again round?

It seems like no matter what I do, it’s a vicious cycle of me staying sober for maybe a few weeks then when I drink I binge drink and for days…I know it’s starting to be a problem because I’m catching my self calling out from work because I’m too hungover to function…
And I’m finding myself saying just one drink and that’s it but nope never happens that way…I just need some feedback on what everyone does to try to break this cycle I can’t seem to get out of?? :disappointed:


Have you written down all the reasons why you want to be sober?
The way you feel when you do drink?
Have you thought about some sort of recovery program?
Youve been on here 27 days and have 3 hrs read time. I suggest you spend some time maybe reading around here, using the search facility to look up anything you might want to know.
It’s hard work to say no to yourself, but it’s what you have to do.
It gets easier the more you do it.


was gonna write something but I’ve seen who’s typing, your about to be in good hands.


Thank you so much and yeah maybe I should start a journal and keep track :blush:

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It takes hard work. You’re always going to end up back if you don’t work at something to stop.


My mom is my biggest motivator and she took me at one point to a AA meeting and suggested I need more help like maybe getting a sponsor


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and yeah I will look into some local programs that can help :blush:


This is so true to me too.


My wee mum phoned AA for me and took me down to meet a guy who was to help me on my sober journey ,always be grateful to my mum shes no longer with us but i know shed be proud of the prodical son that was over 33 years ago still sober meetings make it easier good recovery foundation helps wish you well


I was stuck in the same cycle for years. I’d go a couple weeks, be feeling great, and say “just a couple mini shots wont hurt”. And sometimes I could just have a couple, a few days in a row, but I always ended up right back where I started if not worse. You have to realize it’s all or nothing. We all have will power, it just depends on how bad you want this for it to be strong. Do whatever it takes to get there. Reaching out here for ideas is a terrific first step in the right direction. Do some research and put in the work and I promise you can get there. Good luck to you :four_leaf_clover:

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That made me smile Ray; your wee mum…I bet she was a sweetheart. And tough, with you boys!

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Yip Donna red headed there was 5 of us in the house she ruled our Bessie .


Thank you soooo much and I appreciate you sharing…That’s me right now I can go weeks without drinking then go to a dinner with friends and say just one but nope it turns into numerous drinks shots and a hangover for days…but I just have to get the will power and say no :muscle:t3:

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My mom is my biggest supporter and I’m her only daughter so she wants to see me succeed…I’m going to try my best to make her proud🙌

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After 40 years of trying and failing, AA is what worked for me…


Just from reading this post tells me a lot.
I basically put life on hold for six months at least and just did the bare minimum to get by so that I could concentrate on staying sober.
The previous 2 years I had tried, and fell a lot of times when it came to being “social”.
So I stopped being social.
If I thought something was going to put my sobriety in danger, I didn’t do it. Work, bath sleep was my life for a bit and reading and working on myself and my sobriety.
I knew from experience that just trying to say no was going to be hard having tried doing it that way.
So after joining here I learnt that sobriety has to be first and foremost in life for as long as it takes to be comfortable.
This is where meetings like AA, etc come in handy. Gives us a chance to mix with people who understand.