Well i first knew this app when i decided to quit … my name is Islam … from Egypt … I have been using heroin for 2 years now … i have seen most of the problems here are linked to alcohol … but addiction is addiction isnt it ?
whenever they ask me why did u use the famous evil powder while u know it will FOR SURE put ur life down to earth … i never had an answer to that … maybe cuz i used to love extremes … thing is … quitting heroin is the hardest thing a human being can do … the withdrawals are the easy part and they passed … the hard part is you get a series of psychological symptoms you can never hold yourself with … like severe depression severe anxiety severe loss of pleasure and all the severes you can imagine … i made 13 days now … i still have a very long way to go … nobody said it should be easy i think i have to pay for what i did … i pray for each and every single one of you to keep your sobriety because this is the most precious thing we got now
Hi and welcome!
@Volatile has also struggled with heroin addiction by the way. You’re not alone on here
@Robin is correct. I know exactly what you’re going through. I’ve tried to quit and I’ve been through withdrawals so many times that I’ve lost count. There are only one or two other heroin addicts in this forum for now, so if you need to talk to someone who understands the excruciating struggle, I’m here.
Just out of curiosity, are you still in pain? The doctors claimed that I would only be in pain for 4-5 days after quitting, but each time I’ve gone cold turkey the pain lasts for months. If they have suboxone available in your country I would look into that. For opiate addicts like ourselves this is a miracle medication.
well @Volatile suboxone and subutex are just synthetic heroin … they are not less addictive … you will have to get of them one day and suffer again from WDs … its day 14 and yeah im still in pain with my back and suffering from the restless legs , hot and cold flashes , sneezing attacks and on the top of all the pain are depression and anxiety … doctor prescribed Xanax for me but they abuse it too much in Egypt that you really have to search a lot to get it even when you have a prescription … one thing that really helped was the Lyrica pills 150 mg … they do really calm the mind down and make you feel kind of sleepy and time should pass faster … its slightly addictive and you have to gradually decrease it till you quit it … the doctor allowed me to use it for one month then I have to take off … i can stand any kind of pain i will face and i do really accept that … but what i cannot stand is falling down and relapse … i will never be able to live that pain ever again … i do count on myself now and i hope i wont be disappointed
@robin we are all together fighting addiction
@Dr.Lucifer, it’s not even close to 1/10th the strength of heroin. It is addictive, but it’s benefits outweigh any downsides It might have. Suboxone even has naloxone in it, which prevents you from getting high off any opioid. Doctors use it to bring heroin addicts out of an overdose. But to each his own.
Yeah I have no idea why they say that withdrawals last for only 5 days. I wish i had more advice to give but I couldn’t find any relief from the pain except for the suboxone program.
@Volatile I have tried subutex before ( the one without Naltrexone ) it reliefed my body and my soul from Wds and PAWS … but the fact that the synthetic drugs like subs and methadone are not legal in Egypt - what a country for addicts - and you can only have symptomatic drugs ( taking a med for each single symptom )
the thing i really hate the most is excessive yawning … it always works as a ringing bell to get the next dose … how long you have been off H now ?
I had no idea, but it doesn’t surprise me… Egypt sounds like a difficult place in which to live. Sorry I can’t help more.
I’ve been clean for 24 days. I was clean for 6 months about 2 years ago… that was the longest time that I was sober.
Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Nicole I go by Nikki. I’m also a recovering heroin addict, as of today I have 27 days clean and sober.
A little about my story. I started with heroin at the age of 17, I recently just turned 26 so its been a long 9 years of hell to say the least. I have tried to get clean at least 50 times or more, never reaching any real lengths of time. Most of my attempts never made it past the first couple of days due to not wanting to feel the pain of withdrawal. I have tried countless different methods of detoxing, (suboxzone, methadone, gabapentin, ex.) But within days I was always right back to using and may I add that I always used heavier with every relapse. I was what you would call “hopeless” Most people would tell you I was “never going to get it” No matter how bad I wanted to get clean, my addiction always won and I would be off and running within no time. I’ve gone to numerous detoxes/rehabs, always finding a reason to leave or get myself kicked out. My willingness was practically non existent, and I was always quick to blame my problems on anyone or anything that would take the focus off me. I was constantly playing the victim and could never take responsibility for any of my actions. I lied, cheated, stole, manipulated and hurt everyone around me, time and time again. I would always apologize for the things I was doing but would turn around and do those things again and again. Never caring of the consequences or the affects it was inflicting on my loved ones. In my addiction I became a mother, I have a beautiful little boy named Michael whose 3 years old now. That still wasn’t enough, I still couldn’t and wouldn’t stop or even slow down. I was on a path of complete destruction and anyone that crossed that path or got in my way was going to feel the pain and suffering of my addiction. I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of and I’ve caused tremendous amounts of damage within my family and also within myself. The reason I’m saying all of this is because today I have 27 days clean and sober from any and all mind/mood altering substances. Recovery is possible, it is without a doubt obtainable for anyone who truly wants it. I’m sober today for a couple different reasons, one I work a solid program (morning meditation, meetings, helping others, asking for help, honesty, open mindedness, and willingness) We cannot do this without help from a power greater than ourselves, I can promise that. A higher power is key in sobriety. Any life run on self will can hardly be a success. You don’t need medication, and you don’t need hospitalization or to be locked up. I never thought any of this was possible, but I also never truly worked a program of recovery in which I wasn’t in control of the show. I have learned to give complete control over my life to my high power daily. I constantly ask for guidance throughout the day and I make sure to never lose sight of how deadly and powerful this disease really is. For me to lose focus or take back control is for me to get loaded. My disease wants me dead! Today I chose to live. I’m someone who once thought of themselves as completely hopeless, I was convinced I was just “meant” to live/die a drug addict, today I believe that I was meant to live/die as a recovering drug addict!
@nikkigoodss Hey Nikki! Thanks for sharing your story! 27 days is awesome! Keep up the hard work! Blessings to you & hugs! Stay strong!
hey, great job on making it so far. I am also a heroin and methadone addict. I just got out of residential treatment 9 days ago, I’ve been clean for 37 days az of today… go to na meetings… get a sponsor. if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here.
private message me and ill give you my email
good luck to you
remember be open-minded, honest, and willing
(I’m from Illinois, usa)
Hey! Congrats on your sobriety. Do you have any advice? I am just now about 12 hours clean after a relapse and the withdraws and cravings are worse than they have ever been before.
I’ve been clean from heroin for a year (after using for about 2 years), and I’m now trying to quit Subutex, which I’ve been using for a year. Subutex is addictive in that it causes withdrawals but nowhere close to as bad as heroin! Heroin got me arrested, made me pawn all my stuff, made me rack up thousands of dollars in credit card debt. Subutex doesn’t make you high, it only staves off withdrawals, so you’re not willing to go to such lengths to get it. It’s cheaper than heroin and lasts much longer, and it’s also clean and pure and not repeatedly cut with unknown substances by various dope dealers. Subutex and suboxone are life savers.
Hey there my name is Destiny and i myself am a hopeful recovering heroin addict. I’ve been in active addiction for about 4 years now. I’ve been to 2 different inpaitet rehabs and this time I have just been buying Suboxone off the street and attempting to do it on my own. I’m struggling on fighting the temptations on a day to day basis. I know I can get through this…But right now I’m just feeling lost. This evil drug has taken every thing that I have ever loved or cared about away from me. And I’m more than ready to put and leave it in the past for good and start gaining those things and people that I love and care about back into my life. I’m hopeful this time and I really want it that bad. If anybody has any helpful suggestions, or just any words of advice, I would really appreciate it.
Well figured I’d join in and say hello… I’m Samantha and I’ve been using Heroin for the last four to five years. I am officially six days sober today and although this is the hardest thing I’ve had to do I know this is what I need to do. For myself and for my family. I am actually taking suboxone, the strips, they do have naloxone in them and I have taken subs in the passed and have never had a problem getting off of them, although the strips are more pricey and having naloxone in the subs do make a difference. Regardless the fact that we are all here means we want to get sober and that we are not alone in this fight. We may feel alone, I have been feeling pretty alone lately but I know it will just get easier for me and everyone else. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope we all can stay sober. Good luck and stay positive!
@volatile first of all congratulations on your recover! I as well have been a heroin addict for 21 long years. Started off using hydrocodone and then Percocet and then the devil heroin. I def agree with you about the Saboxone program. I have been clean and sober for 104 days now but I was out in suboxone for a little while it helped extremely well I think I was on it a total of two weeks and I was scared to come off of it but the decreased me and I’ve not used it since. It def saved my life helped with my pain and def helped with my restless leg syndrome. I still have a lot of physiological issues and have just started seeing an amazing physiologist so finally I’m on the right track with that. But Amen to the good old sabaone it sure did help!
I am sorry for the spelling mistakes please bare with me new phone. Lol
I’m also a heroin addict. Been on suboxone for 14 months now. Over the last 6 months I’ve used heroin on top of the suboxone, or stopped taking suboxone on days I’ve wanted to use. I’m at a point where I am getting really tired of using and am starting to run into money troubles. Money was never an issue until recently where my habit has reached new heights. I am now putting $100 worth of dope into one shot and not even getting high. It’s been 3 months since I’ve had more than 7 clean days in a row and today I’m back to day 1 of sobriety. Hello to everyone in this forum, it looks like a good place
Heroin is my drug of preference…kept me homeless for a couple of years and probably the only drug that my mind tries to tell me is worth using again…best thing I’ve ever heard was from my sponsor…he said in order to maintain sobriety life has to be more enjoyable then it was when you were using…it was right around that time I started to focus on some personal goals,excersize and diet being one of them…jogging is great! Not only does it push endorphins naturally but it gave me something positive to focus on daily…I still excersize and diet daily while working a thorough program…self love goes a long way my friend!