Hi everyone. New here

Hi girls + guys

So. A very, very long story short - I am in the process of a breakup with someone I truly love. I am uncontrollably sad and upset. So, I am on day one of sobriety. I took a sober year about a year ago (I think) and I never should have taken another drink. That isn’t what directly ruined this relationship but it definitely had something to do with it.
I’m about to drive a very far distance. Alone. Anxiety ridden. I know it sounds silly but having to start a whole new life at 30 without the love of your life and dog is very scary…at least for me. I know my behavior in the past after a break up but I truly do not believe I will go back to that but I also believe that support never hurt anyone. Thanks y’all.


Welcome! Sorry you’re going through that. Drive safe, girl!:raising_hand_woman:


Thank you! Made me smile.


Hi From Scotland be safe wish you well

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Welcome. This is a wonderful place to be!

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Your very welcome here I was going through a break up with someone I still loved when I started my journey,I decided after awhile that I was going to turn my pain into power for myself to move forward.very warm welcome to you.:pray:


Thank you! I hope you have a good day/night!

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Thank you :hugs:

Thank you. I have hope but I’m just so sad.
I think reading things and posting here will definitely help.


Good decsicion! Here are people with the same problems.


Yes. When I was sober for the year I think it may have been the best year I’ve had! I do miss being sober but I got sucked back in. I just have to keep my head clear.


Do it…do it…do it…again and another great year will come👌

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It seems in this very moment that it all is falling apart, but God maybe trying to wake you up to realize this is just the beginning. Stay safe sweetie and kcb​:raised_hands::kissing_heart:

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Am starting my hole life again from scratch at 32 I feel blessed to get recovery at this age it hard to get back in recovery after a long relapse I am 6 months 14 days sober it feels great only just got a flat of my own been hard but has long has I stayed sober it all worked out hope all go well lv press in. Peace and love x


I’m 31. I just drank drove my car into a pole 33 days ago.

I’m without my partner, kids, my job, my arm is badly broken, my dog (got her back :dog2:) my car was totalled.

I couldn’t imagine driving away from the person I love. I remember driving 11 hours in a shit unregistered 1992 Mitsubishi magna to be with her when I was 21.

Maybe you can sort it out? I’ve put my babe through hell and she has managed to find forgiveness when warrented. And that allows us to keep going and me to wake up a bit. Realise what I nearly lost - again…and again.


Hey!! Gosh, I wish I was in your shoes… 30 and FREE!! The rest of your life is an empty canvas just waiting to be painted with so many beautiful colors. In our journey with sobriety we learn what works and what doesn’t. Taking that sip after a year of sobriety didn’t work! So you start over. I know right now you may think that guy was the one, but life will surprise you. Maybe he was just there for you to learn this last final lesson so when you do meet the one, you are ready. My advice is to breathe!! And if you are on a long road trip, go buy a yoga mat and make some pit stops and take time for yourself, listen to beautiful music, and stay positive. Enjoy this wonderful freedom you now have and spread your wings and fly. :heart:


It doesn’t sound silly at all. You’re doing the right thing reaching out. Welcome to Talking Sober!

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Thank you for those words. I really appreciate it. What is kcb? :see_no_evil:

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Oh yeah. Congratulations! You’re doing great. Glad to know I have someone in the same boat with me! (I know there are millions probably in the same boat but still) thank you for leaving some words! Everyone is truly helping me feel better.


I really do hope we can. I haven’t even left yet because I am frozen in anxiety and nervous about a bad decision. Idk! I don’t know anything it seems right now.
Congrats on 33 days. I’m excited to get there again.