Hi, new here

I drank last night and today after having a pretty good clean streak. Anyone out there that can relate? Feeling like I’ve failed again…


Welcome to the community! Im sorry u relapsed :frowning: I can definitely relate. I used to be a chronic relapser until i started putting in the work daily to stay clean. Try to use this relapse as a learning experience, to see what you can do differently next time so that u dont slip.
Can u tell what happened that led to this relapse?


Alot of people can relate. Many of us have been there but you are here and engaging in this community and that is awesome!


Thank you. And, yes, I can tell… I’ve been out of work for a while and have been getting nothing but nos from any work application I’ve put in. I recently lost a good job and now I’m a DUI fellon… No one seems to want me

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Thank you. I’m trying

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I had tried several short quits ranging from a few days to a month, but all it took was that “just one” moment and I was right back at it.

Keep trying. With each attempt you can learn more about the real relationship you have with alcohol, what triggers your urges, what strategies to resist work and what don’t. If you keep trying, one day you will take your last drink, and it will really be your last drink.


Welcome to TS. Nice to meet you :blush:
Be active on here and you will find support. Hope to see you around :heartpulse:


Yes… Keep trying. The only drink I can prevent is the first one.


Thank you. I will be around for sure

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Yes, it’s the drink that matters…the first drink. This is the one to say “no” to, because without it, there can’t be a second or third or eighth!

Yes! I went to chicago thinking I could handle crowds and restaurants and I drank. And caught covid. So now I’m back in the saddle figuring it all out again. 10 days sober


Congrats on 10 days sober. Take it 1 day at a time. You will find great folks and help here.

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Welcome @RS_Chief . It’s good you are here. You have not failed. You are here. I like @Dazercat’s suggestion. Hope to see you around.

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I’ve failed a hundred times, literally. It’s confusing because our brains bond with a chemical and feel connection from it. We need connection from people.

An addiction is a hungry ghost with a huge stomach and a small neck. It will never be full.

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I can relate, after hundreds of “this is the very last one” failures. 1. I got into a near fatal highway accident while drunk driving after drinking till morning. I had my wife on board and had just left 2 kids at home. 2. I lost my dependable long term job soon after the accident.
It hit me that this is not just some silly habit that I’m trying to kick, rather it’s something diabolical that has a vice-like grip on me. The one predictable outcome was death and devastation in my life and my loved ones’ lives. After being lucky for years, many falls, unexplainable bruises, drinking all your money, getting drugged in clubs, getting robbed…one day it was going to end very badly, probably violently. I lost 2 close friends. One got thrown out the windshield while drunk driving, the other got drugged in a club, got home, never woke. I had DUI license suspensions, fines, warnings.
In short, the endgame is total loss. There was no strategy, no program, I took one look at MY LIFE up to that point, and hated it. It wasn’t about the alcohol, I hated my life, I needed a new life. To rebuild what was broken, recover what was lost/taken, to rediscover the awesome person I knew I once was. I just walked away from alcohol a year and a half ago and never looked back.
You can get your life back. It won’t take one day, some parts might not even be recoverable, like lost jobs, damaged health, ruined relationships…but you can get another chance at this life, and try get it right this time. How badly do you want your life back?

Welcome to the site! I hope you will get the help, knowledge and support you need to not drink…


Thank you! Definitely need it

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