Hi there, brand new member and looking for support!

Hi there, this is my first time here.


Hey Maggs. Welcome to the community. This is a pretty good group of people, that’ll give you a ton of support and advice if you need it.

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Welcome! This is a great place to be. We are all here to help each other and support the efforts it takes to be sober and work on recovery.

There is plenty to read and learn about. Some people start by just reading a lot.


Hi :wave:
Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
It’s great to have you with us.

Alot of us check in here daily:

Pop over and say hi when you feel ready and comfortable :hugs:

When I first came here I read alot.
This community is full of such caring and supportive people I am so glad you found us!



Hey Maggs! Lovely to meet you, have a look around maybe tell us your story if and when u feel comfortable enough to do so. .we are a non judgemental friendly bunch…you are so very welcome here :people_hugging:


Chiming in a welcome as well! :peace_symbol::heart:

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Hi Maggs! Welcome to the forum!! :smiley:

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