HIV testing

Soooo!! Here it goes, I was embarrassed at 1st but this is a very serious issue. Yes I’ve made dumb mistakes, including having sex with a random without a condom. I was under the influence and I wanted it right then and now. I’ve done this a few times, just running through a filed of flowers drunk not caring about life. That brings me to today, I am almost 10 days clean I decided to get HIV and STD checking because of the mistakes I’ve made. I’m blessed enough to say I’m HIV negative! I haven’t hot STD checked yet. This isn’t for everyone but if you’re anything like me and you’re clean now, please go get checked.


I remember shitting bricks waiting for the results :flushed: All clean.

Phew! congratulations on your results :+1::white_check_mark:


@C_8 you should’ve seen my legs :joy:

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I have been There :pleading_face: awful moment