Hopefully I’m doing this right……

Continuing the discussion from [Checking in daily to maintain focus #56](Checking in daily to maintain focus #56 - #6 by Sissychris39

Not only am I knew it this, I am new here as of an hour ago. So, I am checking in sober. I am an alcoholic, but I have not had a drink in 21 days. Several months ago, I talked to one of my neighbors that I knew was an alcoholic/addict, he told me I ever need help to call him 24/7 or come over. Well, the other day when I was 14 days sober I went over to his house and we talked for several hours. He gave me a copy of the big book and told me that he was proud of me, not only for not drinking, but for coming over and talking to him about it. He told me that I could read it or not but to try it anything to read halfway down pages 86–88 every day for a month. He told me that his sponsor told him to do the same thing, and that he changed his way of thinking for the rest of his life. So far, it’s really starting to make sense to me. I’m more opened minded, less selfish in my actions and thoughts and I know that my path may be rocky as all get out, but I know I’m stronger than I was three weeks ago. Thank you.


Welcome and congrats on your 21 days!!
That’s pretty courageous asking for help. It took me years to finally ask for help.
I’m glad you found us.
This is a great sober community to get and give support.
Have a good read around.

Join in when you’re comfortable.
If you got any questions about anything just ask. We were all new once.
ODAAT my friend.
One day at a time.


Congratulations on your 3 week sobriety! And welcome to Sober Time. It will really help you out because everyone here is caring and respectful. Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the information as well. At this point, I need all the help I can get.


AA is a game changer for me. I’m glad you have a good friend. Congrats on making a great decision.


Thank you!! I think so as well

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