How are you of service?

Hey 1 yr 25 days strong 3 promotions later I’m now part of the clinical team at work where I’m involved in decisions that will effect the treatment for my clients. I’m of service everyday and I hope you are too.


Hey Popkorn, i am 66 days sober and i am of service to my beautiful 5 year old daughter first and foremost, i am working hard on myself to right the wrongs i did during my alcoholism to become the person i want to be and to be worthy enough to teach my daughter how to become a strong, kind and independant woman one day.

Other than that i try every day to be of service through kindness and compassion to anyone i meet

Congratulations on your amazing achievements


Wow, that is incredible, congratulations! You really have made some wonderful changes in life.

On a personal note, your return post here came at a synchronistic time as I have been struggling to find acceptance and peace around the needs of my incarcerated sibling and emotionally supporting and assisting my elderly parents in navigating the various communication systems etc. Oosh.

I am in service daily here. :purple_heart: And I am so grateful to this community for all they do for eachother.

So thank you!! :blush:


Everyone is doing awesome even 1 day clean is a miracle. Keep up the good work. Light overcomes darkness everytime.