How Badly has your addiction affected your health

I was the same way! I went for my annual physical with lab work about three months sober. All was normal with liver. Go in and get a physical. It will put your mind at ease.

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Stop now. More drinking is just more damage and an alcoholism death sentence… My health has been impacted. I still live with some problems 2 years on. Stop now while you still can.

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I made an appointment but I won’t be seen for another 3 weeks. I’ve had labs done but I didn’t get a call regarding the results so I assumed I’m ok.m, this was right before Covid. I had belly pain but was told I had an over active gallbladder.
My concern now is I still have slight discomfort although I haven’t had a drink in over 2 weeks. I also notice I have bruises all over me. I’m terrified.

Oh and I was looking through my labs online (pre Covid) . And I discovered that my AST was low. That freaked me out even more. :pleading_face:

Try not to freak out. The appointment is scheduled!!

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I didn’t even realized how long I’ve been drinking. I’d have like 4-6 about 3 days out of the week and and 2 on most days. But I did drink everyday the past 2 almost 3 years in December. Stress was my excuse.

On a binge . Not sure when I can pull out . Right now about a fifth a day . Nothing to serious but it’s getting there . The morning shakes are starting … vodka is my drug of choice and it’s the same end everyday or every time … medical detox if I’m lucky

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Hey Chuck…hang in there :heart: Each and every one of us has been affected health wise by our addiction which is why we are choosing to get and stay sober. For me, it was a combination of things-alcohol, adderal and liquid Tylenol which lead to me getting diagnosed with liver cirrhosis at 28. Thankfully because I am so young I should be okay with this liver (I named him giraldo) for now. I get an ultrasound done yearly to make sure he’s doing okay. I became a nutritionist so I could figure out the best way to feed and nurture my body and disease. I exercise everyday, I stay away from processed foods and harsh chemicals. I am doing my best. Tomorrow he may fail but for now, I am blessed I am sober. One day at a time, my friend :heart: