How do I mentally get stronger?

I was doing so good.
Third day in and I got weak.

What are some ways to be mentally strong?
(Don’t have a good support system)


Welcome, glad you found us, you could stick around with us on here, we all understand addiction here friend…together we are stronger…whats going on with you? Share more here when u feel ready to we are here for you :heart:

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Use us as a support system. So when you feel the urge to use come here and talk about it instead.
Drinking ore using takes a lot of our time. Use that time for reading on this forum instead. You will find loads of tips and advice how to get trough a craving.
This is one:

It helped me a lot in the beginning of my recovery to understand where the craving came from. For me I used alcohol for all kind of emotions. So I had to learn myself new coping strategies for it. For me that is walking, eating chocolat, talking about it to others and being here on TS. It’s important for your recovery to find your own plan B. What works for you?


Had out here. Post and read posts. Ive found that there are so many awesome people on the ap. Also AA has been very good to me in so many ways. One of which is finding people to talk with. You are not alone.


Welcome to the forum!
There are a lot of good threads on resources of recovery, check-in and helpful coping mechanisms.
This one is a good one to start. You can use the search bar to look up keywords or browse the categories.

You can check out HALT as @SoberWalker recommended, it’s very helpful


For me, sobriety is about equanimity, emotional stability, positive attitude and spiritual connection. My mental strength was useful for getting me drunk, not sober.

Here’s some threads detailing how people get and stay sober. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


I would like to suggest a shift in thinking here. You aren’t mentally weak because you caved. You just don’t have the tools in place you need to succeed, yet. Write out your reasons for quitting and then look at them in the morning and again at night. If you leave the house leave all the ways you can access your money at home. Make it hard on yourself to pick up.

If you don’t have a good support system you have to be a good support for yourself. If you need help go to a meeting in person or find one online. Spend a lot of time on here talking to other addicts about what works and what doesn’t. Welcome.


Meetings and prayer… Didn’t believe in neither but so far so good.

Go to some meetings. Get a sponsor. Work the steps. Might not always be the easiest path but it’s always worth it


What helped me was going to meetings, getting a sponsor and working the steps. Surrounding myself with like minded people was a must for me to change my thoughts around alcohol. I needed convincing that it did nothing but poison my body, mind and spirit.

You can start building that support network by coming here daily and interacting.

Get busy being active here. It will help. Read…participate…read…participate…and repeat.

There is so much advice in this forum. Seek it out…

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Hi, and welcome! . All I can say is take the advice listed above. You are worth it, and you’re not weak.:heart:

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I hear you. I recently had a relapse so I’m back on about day 9 right now. Doing what you’re doing is a great first step. It’s hard to admit we need help let alone ask someone for that help. Building a support network has been so important for me and I encourage you to maybe contact your local AA central office and maybe get a temporary sponsor. I just know that my daily contact with my sponsor has been life saving and the encouragement I get from him carries me through when I’m not feeling it. Like others have said, use us if you need to. We understand and you’re not alone. You don’t have to do this alone

Don’t feel bad, it’s not a matter of weakness, and because of that, willpower alone will not get you where you want to be.

Picking up tools to cope with a life is what you need. You can pick up those tools here, and/or AA or SMART recovery, or other programs.

Rarely does an individual will themselves sober. I’ve seen it only once, and I wonder what they are up to now…

Anyhow, hang out here, read, learn, interact, and you’ll pick up the tools to be successful.

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Thank you. Tearing up as I read this

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I love a good cry and it is even more impactful when it comes from another fellow human just trying their best.
Honestly the amount of collective sober time on this app is staggering. Stick around. People who prioritize sobriety daily maintain sobriety.
I’m on here at least twice a day. I start my day with addicts and end my day with addicts. 🩷