How do u stay sober when your choice of drug means everything to u

Well my drug of choice is probably one of the drugs to kick I have been using her for over 16 years now and I don’t think ill be able to just give her up that easy even though it seems to bring the worst out in me I still can’t just stop using I’m addicted to the point of no self control does anybody have any advise for me

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Hope all is well. I had the same problem as you speak of. After everyone left. Parents, girlfriend, daughter. I could always count on drugs to make me feel complete, safe, and worry free. My drug was my best friend that I did not want anyone to talk bad about or tell me what I should do about getting rid of. Here goes my experience. First off I was 20 years using. My kid and her mom came to me and gave me the choice stop using by way of going to treatment (already in IOP @ the time) or I had to stay out of there lives because my drug use was tricking bad into there lives in many ways. At the time I was so defensive for my drug that I could not see it. But I chose to do treatment. In treatment my mind cleared and I started praying and got in touch with my higher power. Higher power is the key my friend. When I pray and and ask for strength and guidance in my recovery. It lands me in na meetings and that is a good place to make some new friends. Sorry had to cut it a little short. Love ya.


The good things in life don’t come easily. You have to work for them. Especially this. Imagining the posibility of me having a “normal” future is what keeps me going. I totally understand long term addiction. I personally got rid of any and all temptations (people) that had a chance of making me move backwards. Realize why you started this and try your best to allow that to be your motovation.


Lise if once you get out all of this shit, then trust me happiness is the most important choice you want to have in your life permanently☺and see you’re using this app it means you want to leave drugs and only you will do it for yourself☺its very difficult I know but atleast you can try It once, twice and keep trying dear, be positive my friend☺take care☺stay blessed!

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