Im 14 days into my latest bid to get the demon of my alcoholism off my back. In the past the foggy headed feeling takes a very long time to lift , if indeed it ever does. At the two weeks point im still as confused and feel like ive a head full of cotton wool- just wondered if, as im 54 and have drank at ridiculous levels in the past , will it indeed EVER lift?. I have my doubts- i think ive done too much damage, i have to go to my gps tomorrow to get blood test results my gp rang me to say to come in, which is worrying me no end , so , to sum up , are the foggy headed symptoms a thing i may have to just live with , or in ppl experience will it lift in a few weeks/months if i manage to stay dry permanently this time?
Hang in there. The fog may seem to linger, but if this is how you feel sober, juat imagine your thinking process while drinking! It does clear up, but for me it wasnt until i was able to know myself and be myself, my new self without the booze. My mind is far from.perfect, but i am confident in how i present myself now vs. with my crutch and your new relayionships will know and appreciate that.
My DOC wasnt alcohol (it was drugs) but i distinctly remember it taking about 6-8 months at one time for the fog to lift. And then this time around it was maybe a month or so. The body is an amazing thing and it does heal itself overtime (from what ive been told). As long as u stay sober u have a chance for ur body to heal
I abused alcohol for the best part of 40 years and have been sober for 135 days. I am definitely much clearer headed today than I was a month ago and the month before that, and I expect I’ll be even moreso in another month.
It’s a lot of healing that needs to happen internally, but it does and I think it’ll get better the further away from day 1 that we get.
Your body can and will repair itself from the damage we’ve done, but I think we just need to enjoy the subtle improvements each day and not worry about the finish line…
Took me a solid 90 days as I was a daily drinker for 8.5 yrs and a binger for 10 before that.
B1-Thiamine will help, or just make sure veggies and fruits are taken daily.
Getting a foundation of recovery is a must too. 12 step or whatever that clicks so you have support and sanity!
For me it felt like the fog lifted for good at around the 3-4 month mark. Suddenly my brain started firing on all cylinders and it felt amazing. Still does 1 yr 9 months later. Hang in there, you got this.